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The condition of sterility in man may arise either from a condition of the secretion which deprives it of its fecundating powers or it may spring from a malformation which prevents it reaching the point where fecundation takes place. The former condition is most common in old age, and is a sequence of venereal disease, or from a change in the structure or functions of the glands.

There are two modes of breaking the curd, and there will be a difference in the taste of the cheese according as either is observed: one is, to gather it with the hands very gently towards the side of the tub, letting the whey pass through the fingers till it is cleared, and ladling it off as it collects; the other is, to get the whey from it by early breaking the curd; the last method deprives it of many of its oily particles, and is therefore less proper.

It truly gives internal exercise. It helps to prevent constipation. Shallow breathing causes degeneration of lung tissue, and indirectly degeneration of every tissue in the body, for it deprives the blood of enough oxygen to maintain health. It also prevents the internal exercise of the abdominal organs, which is a necessary activity of the normal organism.

Amazement and delight at the sight of her beloved friend for a moment deprives Catharine of the power of speech; then terror for the safety of her friend takes place of her joy at seeing her. She rises regardless of the angry tones of the Indian woman's voice, and throws her arms about Indiana as if to shield her from threatened anger, and sobs her welcome in her arms.

Never, I believe, was there such another helpless, good-for-nothing creature in existence. Poor Jane's affecting ways only make me miserable; and, instead of my being of any use to her, her presence deprives me of all power to attend to my family and friends.

His theory deprives that society of the very influences which have elsewhere helped the Tribe, the Family, Rank, and Priesthoods to grow up, and to form the backbone of social existence. What are the original forms of the human family? Did man begin by being monogamous or polygamous, but, in either case, the master of his own home and the assured central point of his family relations?

The curse of homework in cities ties the children down to willowing feathers or picking nuts or sewing on buttons, or carrying parcels to and from the shop that gives out the work, deprives them of both sleep and play, makes their attendance at school irregular, and dulls their brains during the hours they are with the teacher.

Under any other conditions it is not only peculiarly liable to abuse, but it deprives the whole people of that ultimate responsibility for their own welfare, without which democracy is meaningless.

The portraits in our drawing-room The Dictator Rosas who was like an Englishman The strange face of his wife, Encarnacion The traitor Urquiza The Minister of War, his peacocks, and his son Home again from the city The War deprives us of our playmate Natalia, our shepherd's wife Her son, Medardo The Alcalde our grand old man Battle of Monte Caseros The defeated army Demands for fresh horses In peril My father's shining defects His pleasure in a thunder storm A childlike trust in his fellow-men Soldiers turn upon their officer A refugee given up and murdered Our Alcalde again On cutting throats Ferocity and cynicism Native blood-lust and its effect on a boy's mind Feeling about Rosas A bird poem or tale Vain search for lost poem and story of its authorship The Dictator's daughter Time, the old god.

Jacob had a right to know, and Joseph would have been wrong if he had not told him, the truth about his brothers. Their hatred shows that his purity had made their doing wrong more difficult. It is a grand thing when a young man's presence deprives the Devil of elbow- room for his tricks. How much restraining influence such a one may exert!