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Disinfectants. Disinfectants, Antiseptics, and Deodorants. The word disinfectant is synonymous with the term bactericide or germicide. A disinfectant is a substance which destroys infectious material. An antiseptic is an agent which may hinder the growth, but does not destroy the vitality, of bacteria.

Why is it that the vegetation on the banks of a stream, on which a manufacturing town is located, is invariably stunted and withered? Because the water that should nourish it is polluted by the refuse poured into it, and no amount of deodorants or disinfectants will prove of any avail to restore the devitalized vegetation, but will rather aggravate the trouble.

Even before the work of Pasteur on fermentation and putrefaction, Lister had been convinced of the importance of scrupulous cleanliness and the usefulness of deodorants in the operating room; and when, through Pasteur's researches, he realised that the formation of PUS was due to bacteria, he proceeded to develop his antiseptic surgical methods.

I can't imagine we'll find another race of creatures who could be persons. Heaven knows we try to rob each other of dignity, but I don't think there's another race to humiliate us when we find them!" After a moment he added: "Bad enough that we're here because there are deodorants and cosmetics and dog-foods and such things that people want to advertise to each other!