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"Some gendarme!" he exclaimed. "Can I have been intercepted by French telegrams to the pontifical authorities?" He resolved to end his anxiety. "Where are you taking me?" he asked. "Dentro la testa," replied the same voice, with the same menacing accent. Danglars turned to the left; another man on horseback was galloping on that side.

Up, and to my office, and thence by water to White Hall to attend the Council, but did not, and so home to dinner, and so out with my wife, and Deb., and W. Hewer towards Cooper's, but I 'light and walked to Ducke Lane, and there to the bookseller's; at the Bible, whose moher je have a mind to, but elle no erat dentro, but I did there look upon and buy some books, and made way for coming again to the man, which pleases me.

Its importance is apparent. We have a church in the populous suburb of Engenho de Dentro. We were present there at a great celebration when the church cleared off the remainder of its debt and burned the notes. The building was crowded to its utmost capacity. The people stood in the aisles from the rear to the pulpit.

Then Walther relates his dream, meeting Sachs's request for a master-song by casting it as he goes, with the light ease of genius, into verse and melody, his second astonishing improvisation, joyous as the first, but not agitated reflective, as if he filled Sordello's account of himself: "I' mi son un che quando Amore spira, noto, e quel che detta dentro vo significando."

"Nuovo pensiero dentro a me si mise, Dal qual più altri nacquero e diversi; E tanto di uno in altro vaneggiai Che gli occhi per vaghezza ricopersi, E il pensamento in sogno trasmutai." So Dante writes in the "Purgatorio" with deep and subtle truth. Each man can verify for himself the exactness of the great poet's description.

Corey was pleased from the beginning with Lemuel's good looks, and justified himself to his wife with an Italian proverb: "Novanta su cento, chi e bello difuori e buono di dentro."

Translated from Photius, p. 156. "Cesare fui e son Giustiniano, Che, per voler del primo amor ch'io sento, Dentro alle leggi trassi il troppo e il vano." Paradiso, vi. 10. This paragraph translated from Rump, ix. 70. Rump, viii. 487. Account from Rump, ix. 172-4, compressed. Respondeat mens illa Sancto Spiritui serviens. Mansi, viii. 808. Mansi, viii. 849.

"La dolcezza ancor dentro me suona." Don't you remember, and made such fun of it at first? 'Amo zoo; 'no amo me? my sweet!" This was a specimen of the baby-lover talk, which is charming in its season, and maybe pleasantly cajoling to a loving woman at all times, save when she is in Dahlia's condition.

Take the two lines which I have just quoted from Homer, the poet's comment on Helen's mention of her brothers; or take his the address of Zeus to the horses of Peleus; or take finally his the words of Achilles to Priam, a suppliant before him. Take that incomparable line and a half of Dante, Ugolino's tremendous words "Io no piangeva; dentro impietrai. Piangevan elli ..."

e qui fu la mia mente ristretta dentro da , che di fuor non venia cosa che fosse allor da lei recetta." Certainly, in those moments of exaltation that art can give, it is easy to believe that we have been possessed by an emotion that comes from the world of reality.