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He was dressed commonly enough, in a jacket and trousers of coarse cloth of a russet colour; on his head was an immense sombrero, the brim of which had been much cut and mutilated, so as in some places to resemble the jags or denticles of a saw."

This does not at all imply that the scales and teeth themselves have been produced by mechanical stimulation, or that the difference between the dermal denticles of Elasmobranchs and the scales of Teleosteans correspond to differences of stimulation.

The four tentacula and the form of the very peculiar operculum also seem to indicate considerable affinity with the genus Jeffreysia of Alder, and an examination of the remains of the tongue extracted from a dried specimen showed an arrangement and form of the lingual denticles very closely resembling that exhibited by Jeffreysia.

He was dressed commonly enough, in a jacket and trousers of coarse cloth of a russet colour, on his head was an immense sombrero, the brim of which had been much cut and mutilated, so as in some places to resemble the jags or denticles of a saw.

The details so clearly defined in the foreground, the innumerable denticles of the chimneys, the little black specks of the thousands of windows, grew less and less distinct as you gazed farther and farther away, till everything became mingled in confusion the pell-mell of an endless city, whose faubourgs, afar off, looked like shingly beaches, steeped in a violet haze under the bright, streaming, vibrating light that fell from the heavens.