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And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy the value of two hundred denarii, in loaves, and give them to eat? But he said to them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they said, Five, and two fishes. And he commanded them to seat them all by companies on the green grass: and they lay along row against row, a hundred deep, and fifty wide.

Cato, a shrewd man of business, never cared to pay more than fifteen hundred denarii for his slaves. This must have been the price of the best type of labourer, of a man probably who was gifted with intelligence as well as strength.

It was proved by the accounts of Martianus and a speech he made in the Council of the Town of Leptis that he had engaged with Priscus in a very shady transaction, that he had bargained to receive from Martianus 50,000 denarii and had received in addition ten million sesterces under the head of perfume money a most disgraceful thing for a soldier, but one which was not at all inconsistent with his character as a man with well-trimmed hair and polished skin.

He proposed, moreover, to increase the largesses of grain and to cover the increased expense by the permanent issue of a proportional number of copper plated, alongside of the silver, -denarii-; and then to set apart all the still undistributed arable land of Italy thus including in particular the Campanian domains and the best part of Sicily for the settlement of burgess-colonists.

I offered him a place, myself, at a wage of more denarii than I could well afford. I wanted a chance to study him. Then came the colonel and fairy grabbed him. So I sent for you in my artless professional way." "Why such enthusiasm on the part of Colonel Graeme?" "Simple enough. Livius spoke Latin with in accent which bore out the old boy's contention.

And this he said to try him: for himself knew what he would do. Philip answered him, Two hundred denarii spent in bread would not procure a sufficiency for them, that every one of them might have a morsel. Then said Jesus, Make the men sit down. For there was plenty of grass on the spot. Therefore the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

An amphora of Falernian wine cost one hundred denarii, a jar of Pontic salt-fish four hundred; a young Roman would often give a talent for a favourite, and boys who ranked in the highest class for beauty of face and elegance of form fetched even a higher price than this.

Yesterday two of my own nomenclators young men, I admit, about the age of those who have just assumed the toga were enticed off to join the claque for three denarii apiece. Such is the outlay you must make to get a reputation for eloquence!

To the question whether on the previous occasion he had appeared for them gratuitously, they said they had given him 6000 sesterces, and on being asked whether they paid him a further fee, they replied, "Yes, a thousand denarii." Nepos demanded that Nominatus should be called, and matters went no further on that day.

You ask for two hundred thousand denarii. I can give you only the opportunity of earning them. As to myself, I am poor. Look at me. Even my time belongs to the people. and it is passing, my dear senator it is passing." The importunate man saw the subtle meaning in these words and went his way. The emperor sat down, a child upon each knee, as the young men approached him.