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When we got home, the first sound that greeted our ears, as we stepped upon the piazza, was a mournful, long-drawn hymn. Shivering and damp from our walk up the yard, we opened the door, to see Minerva, with kilted skirts, standing in an expanse of frozen slush and singing at the top of her voice, while she sluiced fresh deluges of water from her shuck brush.

King opened and shut his eyes with great swiftness. 'Signa adfixa delubris, he gasped. 'So delubris is "deluges" is it? Winton, in all our dealings, have I ever suspected you of a jest? 'No, sir, said the rigid and angular Winton, while the Form rocked about him. 'And yet you assert delubris means "deluges."

How long, how bloody and destructive was the contest between the Moorish slaves and the native Spaniards? and after almost deluges of blood had been shed, the Spaniards obtained nothing more than driving them into the mountains.

Two great races of men, our own in a two-headed form British and American, and secondly, the Russian, are those which, like rising deluges, already reveal their mission to overflow the earth.

"What I can't get at even yet," said Gorman, "is the idea in the Emperor's mind. He piles up scrap iron and ridiculous-looking cisterns in a cave. He deluges the place with petrol. He sets a spy on Donovan. Now what the devil does he do it for?" The King shrugged his shoulders. "Real Politik, perhaps," he said. "But how do I know? I am a king, certainly.

The drainage, moreover, may have been deranged again and again by earthquakes, during which temporary lakes are caused by landslips, and partial deluges occasioned by the bursting of the barriers of such lakes.

Two great races of men, our own in a two-headed form British and American, and secondly, the Russian, are those which, like rising deluges, already reveal their mission to overflow the earth.

But, at an epoch which it is impossible to fix, which, however, is posterior to the last geologic dislocations of the soil, two formidable deluges swept from the Alps down the troughs of the Rhone and the Durance, carrying with them vast masses of stone torn from the flanks of the mountains.

April came with its deluges of rain that washed the earth clean and carried off the riffraff of the previous season, making ready for another and more bountiful harvest. What a thrifty housekeeper nature is! "Dodd" still stayed away from school, and through slush and mud and drenching rain worked like a little man.

Somewhat in the spirit of Plato, he imagines that after one of the cyclic deluges which sweep off mankind at stated periods and annihilate all pre-existing civilisation, the few surviving members of humanity coalesce for mutual protection, and, as in the case with ordinary animals, the one most remarkable for physical strength is elected king.