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Trials of a Public Benefactor, as Illustrated in the Discovery of Etherization. By Nathan P. Rice, M.D. New York. Pudney & Russell. 12mo. pp. 400. $1.00. The History, Object, and Proper Observance of the Holy Season of Lent. By the Rt. Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, D.D., Bishop of California. Tenth Edition. New York. Delisser & Proctor. 12mo. pp. 236. 75 cts. Life, Teachings, and Death of Socrates.

Both Sides of the Controversy between the Roman and Reformed Churches; being, I., A Doctrinal Catechism, etc., "Approved by the Most Rev. John Hughes," etc.; and, II., The Other Side. By the Rev. Thomas S. Bacon. New York. Delisser & Proctor. 12mo. pp. 522. $1.00. The Monarchies of Continental Europe. The Empire of Austria; its Rise and Present Power. By John S.C. Abbott. New York.

In 1862, Goyder paid a visit to the much-abused region north of Fowler's Bay, but found nothing to reward him but mallee scrub and spinifex. In this year Delisser and Hardwicke went over the same country, but on a much more attractive route, as they came upon a large, limitless plain, covered with grass and saltbush.

Startling Disclosures of Romanism as Revealed by its own Writers. Facts for Americans. New York. R.L. Delisser. 12mo. $1.00. The Stratford Gallery, or the Shakspeare Sisterhood; comprising Forty-five Ideal Portraits. Described by Henrietta Lee Palmer. Illustrated. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 8vo. morocco. $12.00. A Gallery of Famous English and American Poets, with an Introductory Essay.