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After Kugel's arrival at headquarters Jackson was ordered brought up-stairs and a dramatic scene followed. Jackson was seated facing Chief Deitsch with the valise at the Chief's feet. Standing around were many persons at work on the case. "Pick up that valise," said the Chief. Jackson picked it up and held it in his lap. "Open it." He did so. "What is in there?"

David Wallingford, the proprietor of the saloon at Longworth and Plum, which Jackson and Waling frequented, and his colored porter Allen Johnson were brought in by the officers and questioned in the presence of Jackson and Walling by Chief Deitsch as follows: "You knew Jackson pretty well, eh?" "Oh, yes; he came into my saloon every night. He frequently brought his lady friends along, too."

Jackson admitted to Colonel Deitsch that he had seen Pearl Bryan; that she came to the Dental College on Court Street for him; that he was informed she was in a cab, and that he met her afterward, I think on Tuesday, at the Indiana House, on Fifth Street; that he met her again on Wednesday about one o'clock at the corner of Fourth and Vine or Fourth and Walnut.

"That's what everybody says who is arrested," said Chief Deitsch, "but the identification of the clothes and other facts point to you as the man who took Pearl Bryan or her body to Ft. Thomas. Where were you last Friday evening?" "I must have been in my room." "What time did you go to your room?" "I think I had supper about 7 o'clock and went home about 7:30." "What did you do?"

As soon as the intelligence was imparted to Chief Deitsch, he ordered renewed activity in the case and in the afternoon went over to Campbell County to personally supervise the work of his detectives. Chief Deitsch interviewed both Mrs. Burkhardt and her daughter at their home. Mrs.

"Ever see a picture of him?" "Yes, I saw a tin-type of him when Jackson was at home." "Would you recognize that picture if you were to see it?" "I think I would." At this juncture of the examination Chief Deitsch went to get a picture of Walling but failed to find it. Wood was taken down to Central Station and registered. He gave his name as William Wood, aged 20, residence South Bend, Ind.

Chief Deitsch after sending the information to Mayor Caldwell continued his investigation with: "I have just talked with Jackson, and he puts all the blame upon you. He says you performed the abortion somewhere across the river." "I don't know a thing about it, except what he told me." "Well, now, did you do it or did Jackson? He says you did it." "He's putting it all on me now, is he?

Deitsch Friday morning had a private consultation at which it was decided to hold all examinations of the prisoners in the Bertillion room, behind the iron bars of the Place of Detention. No one but Col. Deitsch and the Mayor were allowed to be present. It was about 9 o'clock when both Jackson and Walling were brought into the Bertillon room and turned over to Superintendent Kiffmeyer.

Detectives Witte and Jackson were at once sent for Fred Albin the barber, and were not long in bringing him in. He and Johnson, the porter, were seated on the same lounge in the Mayor's office and Albin was examined by Chief Deitsch when he told the following story: "I have known Alonzo Walling for about two years.

Walling was taken before Mayor Caldwell and Chief Deitsch, Detectives Crim and McDermott. Walling was asked what he had to say. "Well, I'll tell you how Jackson killed Pearl Bryan. "For several days before the murder Jackson would sit about our room and read a medical dictionary to try and learn all about the effect of poisons. He finally selected cocaine as the most suitable for his purpose.