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Nicholas had heard, too, for he threw down the tattered deerskin, and went to the other side of the fire. Voices in the tunnel. Nicholas held back the flap and gravely waited there, till one Pymeut after another crawled in.

Here and there was to be seen a solitary warrior securing, with admirable neatness, and with delicate ligatures formed of the sinew of the deer, the guiding feather, or fashioning the bony barb of his long arrow; while others, with the same warlike spirit in view, employed themselves in cutting and greasing small patches of smoked deerskin, which were to secure and give a more certain direction to the murderous bullet.

In his home he had many white servants and henchmen and really lived like a lord. He dressed well in native style with a touch of civilized elegance, wearing coat and leggings of fine broadcloth, linen shirt with collar, and, topping all, a handsome black or blue blanket. His moccasins were of the finest deerskin and beautifully worked.

A loud halloo soon brought the echoing answer in the shrill voice of little Oscar, whose canoe quickly shot out from the creek. It was speedily followed by the deerskin boat, and, when near enough to be heard, the reply to Hendrick's anxious inquiry was the gratifying assurance "All's well!"

The clumsy wooden latch was hung inside to a wooden pin driven into one of the crosspieces of the door, and it played in a loop of deerskin at the other end. A string of deerskin fastened to the end of the latch-bar nearest the jamb of the doorway was passed outside through a hole cut in the door, serving to lift the latch from without when a visitor would enter.

He came, and stood looking at them inquiringly, picturesque in his wide hat and his fringed deerskin jacket. Miss Kinnaird pursed up her face. "I want to make a sketch of you. You have rather a good head," she said. Weston gazed at her a moment in astonishment, and then a twinkle crept into his eyes.

He snatched out his knife, cut them apart and out fell several folds of fine, thin deerskin. He knew that the prize had been secured, and he meant to keep it. Henry thrust the folds of deerskin in his pocket and sprang to his feet. "Now, you scoundrel!" he exclaimed, "tell what tale you please and we will prove another!" Then the terrible reality resolved itself back into a shadow, and was gone.

All warriors went out, except one, who sat in the doorway with his rifle on his knee. "They flatter me," thought Dick. "They must think me of some importance or that I'm dangerous, since they bind and guard me so well." His thongs of soft deerskin, while secure, were not galling.

He dressed himself in a new deerskin hunting-shirt, put on a foxskin cap with the tail hanging behind, shouldered his famous rifle, and cruelly leaving in the dreary cabin his wife and children whom he cherished with an "ocean of love and affection," set out on foot upon his perilous adventure. A days' journey through the forest brought him to the Mississippi River.

I ate I could eat now that I had had my Vision and grew strong. All the upper mountain was white like a tent of deerskin, but where we were there was only thin ice on the edges of the streams. "We stayed there for one moon. I wished to get my strength back, and besides, we wished to get married, Nukewis and I." "But how could you, without any party?" Dorcas wished to know.