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"And as for you, sir, not a stick or shingle shall you have" "If you'll only take the girl, you're welcome to the house, sir," says Mr. James. "Oh, I am, am I? Then, by gad, sir, I'll take both houses, and Sam Dowse's daughter'll live in one, and your mother and I in the other!" "Sam Dowse's daughter?" "Yes, sir, Miss Abby Dowse. Have you any objections?"

Finish the business in no time, bein' spry like you be, and then you and her kin take in the circus and the side show, and stay f'r the concert. How's that?" Mr. Spackles was suddenly red and embarrassed, but Grandmother Penny beamed. "Why," says she, "makes me feel like a young girl ag'in. To be sure I'll go. Daughter'll make a fuss, but I jest don't care if she does. I'm a-goin'."

I ain't on your payroll and so I can speak out free and independent. If your daughter'll have me I mean to marry her some day. Ain't that the better way, Maud? Ain't that how you'd rather have him feel and do?" She sighed and shook her head. "I I suppose so," she admitted. "Oh, I suppose that you and he are right. In his letter he says just that.

Mrs Roy that's the Reverend Roy's wife was very straight with me about it. `If you think, Mrs Lane, says she, `that your daughter'll find the place too dull and far away I'd rather you'd say so at once, and I'll look out for another girl. It's not at all like London, says she, `and I make no doubt Biddy will feel strange at first."

Presently she came to him and said in a low voice: 'And what about the money, John the loan? 'I am not obliged to return it in money, he said, sharply. 'Well, the pictures? 'That'll be all right. I must think about it. There'll be no hurry. 'Did Mrs. Morrison know about the loan? 'I dare say. I never heard. 'I suppose she and the daughter'll have nothing? 'That doesn't follow at all.