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Lupin went to the next room, closed the other door, shot the bolt, walked out, locked the door behind him and went down in the lift. In the office, he said: "M. Daubrecq has suddenly been called away to Monte Carlo. He asked me to say that he would not be back until Tuesday and that you were to keep his room for him. His things are all there. Here is the key."

It means immediate bankruptcy and disaster... under the most wretched conditions. That is what I have sought." "But Daubrecq must have been aware of your intentions?" "Certainly. And, I assure you, those were strange meetings of ours: I watching him closely, trying to guess his secret behind his actions and his words, and he... he..."

Observe that all Daubrecq had to do, in order to introduce the crystal stopper, was to bear upon the band a little, loosen it, draw it back, unfold the yellow paper, remove the tobacco and fasten it up again. Observe also that all we had to do, in Paris, was to take the packet in our hands and examine it, in order to discover the hiding-place. No matter!

Concentrating all his attention, he examined the objects in the room; and he remembered the note which Daubrecq wrote to Prasville: "Within reach of your hand, my dear Prasville!... You touched it! A little more and the trick was done..." Nothing seemed to have moved since that day.

A poor man, with a large family." "Come," said Lupin, "Daubrecq is nothing more nor less than a blackmailer; but, by Jupiter, he has jolly effective ways of going to work!" Events tended to confirm Lupin's supposition. Three days later he saw another visitor hand Daubrecq an important sum of money. And, two days after that, one came and left a pearl necklace behind him.

I did not hesitate to tell him, first, the reasons which had driven my husband to suicide and, secondly, the object of revenge which I was pursuing. When I informed him of my discoveries, he jumped for joy; and I felt that his hatred for Daubrecq was as strong as ever.

Oh, nonsense it's out of the question!... And yet... and yet... he seems to be hesitating." "Will you excuse me?" asked Daubrecq, drawing the telephone, on his writing-desk, toward him. "I have an urgent message." "Certainly, monsieur le depute." Daubrecq called out: "Hullo!... 822.19, please, 822.19." Having repeated the number, he sat without moving.

It was quite within the bounds of possibility that Daubrecq, armed as he was, would remain master of the field and that the conversation would take an absolutely different turn from that which Lupin anticipated. And this prospect angered him somewhat. He drew himself up, as he heard a sound of footsteps approaching. Daubrecq entered.

Daubrecq? Lupin? Or he, Prasville? Lupin was not there and could not be there. Daubrecq was not in a position to fight. There could be no doubt, therefore, about the result: Prasville would reenter into possession of his letters and, through this very fact, would escape Daubrecq's threats and Lupin's threats and recover all his freedom of action against them. The train arrived.

And, almost at the same time, some one slipped behind Daubrecq, sprang up fiercely, flung one of his arms round Daubrecq's neck, threw him to the ground with incredible violence and applied a pad of cotton-wool to his face. A sudden smell of chloroform filled the room. Clarisse had recognized M. Nicole. "Come along, Growler!" he cried. "Come along, Masher! Drop your shooters: I've got him!