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Thus addressed by Pandu's son of great force of mind, he of Dasarha's race urged his steeds, O king, towards the division of Duryodhana. Beholding those three warriors rushing quickly together with uplifted bows, Subala's son proceeded towards that spot against those Pandava foes. Thy son Sudarsana rushed against Bhimasena. Susarman and Shakuni encountered Kiritin.

And Bhishma and Drona, and others with Dhritarashtra were on the point of rising up from their seats for honouring Janardana. Indeed, as soon as he, of Dasarha's race, came, the illustrious blind monarch, Drona and Bhishma, all rose up from their seats. And when that mighty ruler of men, king Dhritarashtra, rose up from his seat, those kings by thousands around him all rose up also.

Then Arjuna, proceeding a few steps, further said unto his friend, that bull among men, that slayer of hostile heroes, that invincible warrior of Dasarha's race, 'It is known to all the kings, O illustrious Govinda, that at our consultation it was settled that we should ask back the kingdom.

And Kesava, endued with great intelligence, and beaming with beauty, soon came upon a broad street that had previously been swept and watered, and that was fit to be used by the highest of kings. And when that scion of Dasarha's race set out, cymbals began to play, and conchs began to be blown, and other instruments also to pour forth their music.

Janardana also gave unto them hundreds of thousands of draft horses from the country of the Valhikas as Subhadra's excellent dower. That foremost one of Dasarha's race also gave unto Subhadra as her peculium ten carrier-loads of first class gold possessing the splendour of fire, some purified and some in a state of ore.

And Vidura, conversant with all the precepts of religion, followed on his own car that scion of Dasarha's race, that foremost of all living creatures, that first of all persons gifted with intelligence. And Duryodhana and Suvala's son Sakuni also on one car followed Krishna, that chastiser of foes.

And having honoured him of Dasarha's race that deserveth honour from every one, they placed at the disposal of that illustrious person their houses, abounding in wealth. And feeding all the Brahmanas with sweet-meats and himself taking his meals with them, Kesava passed the night happily there."

The son of Bharadwaja always on the alert for an opportunity, then sped in that battle many other arrows of Satyaki which resembled the roar of Indra's thunder. Then he of Dasarha's race, acquainted with the highest weapons, cut off all those arrows shot from Drona's bow, with two beautifully winged arrows of his.

Know this to be what I am thinking of, viz., 'Which of these would be better for me?" Thus addressed by him, he of Dasarha's race, turned back the car, and took the son of Pandu to where the ruler of the Trigartas was. Then Arjuna pierced Susarman with seven shafts, and cut off both his bow and standard with a couple of sharp arrows.

And dismissing all the kings, with Virata and others at their heads, the five brothers the Pandavas when the sun had set, said their evening prayers. And with hearts ever fixed on Krishna they began to think of him. And, at last, bringing Krishna of Dasarha's race into their midst, they began to deliberate again about what they should do. That wicked minded fellow did not, however, accept them.