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And in Shelley's Prometheus, Jupiter calls to his cup-bearer thus: "Pour forth heaven's wine, Idaean Ganymede, And let it fill the Daedal cups like fire." The beautiful legend of the Choice of Hercules may be found in the Tatler, No. 97. The same story is told in the Memorabilia of Xenophon. Daedalus. Castor and Pollux

Flying down, Daedalus searched till he found the body, and, tenderly laying it in the earth he wept that he had ever thought of wings. The land where this happened was wild, and only savage beasts lived in it, so Daedalus flew away to Sicily. There he built a temple and on its walls hung up his wings forever.

Such attributions are not really of greater historical value than the traditions of dedication in the heroic age which we find elsewhere. The name of Daedalus having once become famous in this connection, it was natural that many statues of primitive style and unrecorded origin should be attributed to him.

Where he was least expected, there he was sure to be; and almost every day some man, woman, or child was caught and devoured by him. "You have done so many wonderful things," said the king to Daedalus, "can you not do something to rid the land of this Minotaur?" "Shall I kill him?" asked Daedalus. "Ah, no!" said the king. "That would only bring greater misfortunes upon us."

Laurentius Valla answers him that we must console ourselves for an ignorance which we share with the whole world, just as one consoles oneself for not having the wings of birds. ANTONIO I know that you can give me those wings, like another Daedalus, so that I may emerge from the prison of ignorance, and rise to the very region of truth, which is the homeland of souls.

Very devious is the labyrinth, built by Daedalus, in which the Minotaur is hidden, and without the clue none could find a way through the passages. But I will give you the clue so that you may look upon the Minotaur and then come back to me. Theseus, now I put into your hand the thread that will guide you through all the windings of the labyrinth.

SCULPTURE. Before the Persian wars, in the earliest sculpture the restraint of Egyptian and Oriental styles is perceptible in the sculptors, of whom Daedalus is the mythical representative. The oldest statues were of wood, which was subsequently covered with gold and ivory, or painted. Statues were now made in brass and marble. They were everywhere to be seen.

So he flew up higher and higher, but his father who was in front did not see him. Pretty soon, however, the heat of the sun began to melt the wax with which the boy's wings were fastened. He felt himself sinking through the air; the wings had become loosened from his shoulders. He screamed to his father, but it was too late. Daedalus turned just in time to see Icarus fall headlong into the waves.

These sculptors worked in wood, and by their proficiency we may form a pretty accurate idea of the state of art in Greece when Homer wrote. The works of Daedalus are described by Pausanias as rude and uncomely in aspect. In his Grecian tour, Pausanias twice makes mention of a statue of Hercules by Daedalus, from which circumstance it would appear to have been held in high estimation.

The information we have as to Daedalus is of two kinds; on the one hand, we find tales of a mythical craftsman and magician, to whose invention many of the most typical improvements in early Greek sculpture are attributed; on the other hand, we have records of many statues of the gods, extant in historical times in various shrines of Greece, which were attributed to him.