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As the young man did not laugh constantly, fragments of the old woman's ditty reached the priest; it was something unintelligible yet frightful, "Greve, aboie, Greve, grouille! File, file, ma quenouille, File sa corde au bourreau, Qui siffle dans le pre au, Greve, aboie, Greve, grouille! "La belle corde de chanvre! Semez d'Issy jusqu'a Vanvre Du chanvre et non pas du bleu.

We also saw Vanves and the Chateau d'Issy, in which there were two pavilions to let. Gilbert's fancy was so much taken by one of them that I began to dread he might want to live in it. He wrote in the diary: "The place seemed curious and romantic. Three very fine lofty rooms, a number of small ones. Plenty of space. Not much convenience; wife not at all pleased with it."

Fort d'Issy and the great battery at Montretout, seconded by Mont Valerien, for the last ten days had been battering the rampart at the Point-du-Jour, as a consequence of which the Saint-Cloud gate was no longer tenable and an assault had been ordered for the following morning, the 22d; but someone who chanced to pass that way at about five o'clock perceived that the gate was unprotected and immediately notified the guards in the trenches, who were not more than fifty yards away.

And when finally, on the 9th of May, Fort d'Issy was obliged to succumb and fell into the hands of the Versailles army the defeat of the Commune was assured, and in their frenzy of panic the leaders resorted to most detestable measures. Maurice favored the creation of a Committee of Public Safety.

He did not know the smaller roads hereabouts, but he guessed that there must be one somewhere beyond, between the route de Clamart and Fort d'Issy, and he was right. There is a little road between the two; it sweeps round in a long curve and ends near the tiny public garden in Issy, and it is called the rue Barbés.

Day by day the plan of attack adopted by the Versaillese became more manifest: after occupying Neuilly they had taken possession of the Chateau of Becon and soon after of Asnieres, but these movements were simply to make the investment more complete, for their intention was to enter the city by the Point-du-Jour soon as the converging fire from Mont-Valerien and Fort d'Issy should enable them to carry the rampart there.

It's on the edge of the wood, not far from Fort d'Issy. The Clamart-Vanves-Issy tram runs past the wall of one side of the park. That's all I know." Ste. Marie clasped his head with his hands. "So near to it!" he groaned, "and yet Ah!" He bent forward suddenly over the bed and spelled out the name of the photographer which was pencilled upon the brown cardboard mount.