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The success of Solon is well summed up in the following brief tribute to his virtues and genius, by the poet THOMSON: He built his commonweal On equity's wide base: by tender laws A lively people curbing, yet undamped; Preserving still that quick, peculiar fire, Whence in the laurelled field of finer arts And of bold freedom they unequalled shone, The pride of smiling Greece, and of mankind.

No word yet of her errand, no query as to its success. She was grateful to him for that. She wanted a moment, time in which to feel that she knew him a little bit, before she could tell him. But she saw in his eyes that he was curbing his eagerness, and that she would have to tell him in a moment. "I am sorry that you are sick, Uncle Henry," she said hastily, taking the chair near his bed.

I could have some sort of a career, and I have seen enough in this country to drive me towards the conclusion that there are worse things in life than curbing one's youthful ambitions a bit." He was still striding up and down the room, his expressive hands as restless as his feet. The color was in his face and his eyes were blazing.

"If there isn't anything the matter with my babies " "I want to speak to you about our children, Dear." "They are dead?" Mrs. Vandecar asked dully. "My babies are dead?" At first Vandecar could scarcely trust himself to speak; but, curbing his emotion with an effort, he answered, "No, no; but gone for a little while."

From the hopeless task of curbing the various elements of disorder by the single force of each isolated city the wiser and more patriotic among the men of that day turned in despair to the Empire. Guelph and Ghibelline, Papalist and Imperialist, were words which as Dante saw had now lost their old meaning.

A man's figure rose from the shadows of the porch and came forward to meet us as we swung up to the curbing. I stifled a scream in my throat. As I shrank back into the seat I heard the quick intake of Von Gerhard's breath as he leaned forward to peer into the darkness. A sick dread came upon me.

Issuing one by one, from beneath their respective scaffolds, and curbing the impatience of their steeds till they received from the marshals permission to start, they rushed from their posts with lightning swiftness to meet with a crashing shock midway.

And, most sorrowful of all, has not your love for your God and Saviour been up and down shamefully down so that when you have afterwards reflected on your coldness towards Him and His cause, you have been covered with confusion and astonishment at the fickleness of your own heart? And more than this. How great are the changes wrought in us by the curbing influence of time!

I cannot see a dash of color anywhere. The world is brown. The sky is gray. It is rather chilly for writing out-of-doors. The conversation I refer to began in an ugly little room in a professor's house. There was a roll-top desk in the room, and a map, yellow with age, hanging on the wall. The conversation ended underneath a lamp-post on a street curbing, and it was rainy and dark and cold.

He had never stood on the curbing outside a recruiting office on South State Street, in the old levee district, and watched that tragic panorama move by those nightmare faces, drink-marred, vice-scarred, ruined. I know that he had never seen such faces in all his clean, hard-working young boy's life, spent in our prosperous little country town.