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He found the little stud which, pressed by the pad's owner, had erased the previous drawings. He pressed it and the lines disappeared. And Tommy drew, crudely enough, that complicated diagram which is supposed to represent a cube which is a cube in four dimensions: a tesseract. Upon one surface of the cube he indicated the curving towers of the Golden City.

Edison states that while the device is crudely capable of use as a magneto telephone, he did not invent it for transmitting speech, but as an apparatus for analyzing the complex waves arising from various sounds. It was made in pursuance of his investigations into the subject of harmonic telegraphs.

Was it because when he had once spoken so crudely of the University I had seen the reflection of her spirit in his eyes? A light still burned in the extension roof Krebs's light; another shone dimly through the ground glass of the front door. Obeying a sudden impulse, I crossed the street. Mrs. Bolton, in the sky-blue wrapper, and looking more forbidding than ever, answered the bell.

Had she done this thing involved herself in the beginnings of it, anyhow, as a desperate measure to bring her father and his wife together again? By removing a temptation that Paula was still in danger of yielding to? She didn't put it to herself quite as crudely as that to be sure. Certainly she had no intention of asking Wallace Hood what he thought about it.

If that sort of thing goes on, he becomes disobedient because he doesn't believe that the man is his father. "I'm afraid I'm putting it a little crudely, but you get the idea." "Yeah," said Mike. For all he knew, there might be some merit in the girl's idea; he knew that philosophers had talked of the "basic goodness of mankind" for centuries. But he had a hunch that Leda was going about it wrong.

You see, children, we have to put things very crudely to you to make ourselves intelligible. THE HE-ANCIENT. And I am afraid we do not quite succeed. STREPHON. Very kind of you to come at all and talk to us, I'm sure. ECRASIA. Why do the other ancients never come and give us a turn? THE SHE-ANCIENT. It is difficult for them.

He would not have exposed the fact thus crudely, for he was susceptible to the comely order of things. The fact was a fact, and nature, not he, was responsible for it. That, and the circumstance of his material independence, would necessarily keep the ensuing interview well within the limits of urbane comedy.

When the boy took his leave Febrer closed the door and diverted himself by taking an inventory and making a distribution of the objects which filled his dwelling. Within an old crudely carved wooden chest, laid away between fragrant herbs, was the clothing carefully folded by Margalida in which he had come to Majorca. He would put them on in the morning.

"Isn't it wonderful here?" murmured Ruth. "It certainly is," agreed Russ who, with Paul, was rowing. "It sure is soothin'," said Jed. "Many a time when I ain't had no luck, and feel all tuckered out, I sneak off to a place like this and I feel jest glad to be alive." He put it crudely enough, but the others understood his homely philosophy.

It seemed in her own ears the sudden voice of some other woman speaking some unaccountable, strange woman whom she never had seen or known in all her life. "Your heart?" he whispered, now close to her in the dusk. "You were not you did not you " But he choked. She nodded, not brazenly or crudely or coarsely, not even bravely, but in utter simplicity.