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They wouldn't a-been made into laws if they wasn't fer our good, an' even when we don't see no reason in keepin' 'em, we ain't got no more right to break through than one of them engines up at the crossing's got a right to come ahead when I signals it from the tower to stop.

"My crossing's a long way off at the West End, and I had been indulgin' in door-steps and mewses." "We'd better have a try anyhow," said Diamond. "Come along." As he spoke Diamond thought he caught a glimpse of North Wind turning a corner in front of them; and when they turned the corner too, they found it quiet there, but he saw nothing of the lady.

His master furnished him with what he needed, and bade him send word to him if he should find himself in any trouble or difficulty. "You'll find him out easy enough," said the bullock-driver to Mr Oliphant, "for there's a party of mounted police setting off this afternoon for the Murray, and the crossing's only about two miles lower down than the hut.

"Infernal scoundrel," Hans would cry with many gestures, "he figger it out in his own little black het and neffer tell nobody, so. He know to hisself dat Carey's Crossing's too fur sout, so an' Big Wolf Creek too fur nort, so." Hands wide apart, and eyes red with anger. "He know der survey go between like it, so! And he figger it hit yust fer it hit Grass River, nort fork.