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I'd ha gone through a world without women for its sweet sake, blest if I wouldn't.... And now," came the voice in a sort of chant, "avin lived like a blanky King I'm goin to die like a blanky cro. Arry the Magnificent always and for h'ever!" Old Ding-Dong lay as the boy had left him. "Got them round-shot?" hoarsely. "Yes, sir." "Stuff em in my tails then." The boy obeyed.

The steward bunked forward in a little cabin rigged up in the same deck-house as the galley which snuggled up to the foot of the foremast. Summing up what the boys saw as they followed their conductor over the ship they found her to be a three-masted, bark-rigged vessel with a cro' nest, like a small barrel, perched atop of her mainmast.

They made a long pause to enjoy the view looking out upon Constitution Island, West Point, the southern mountains, and the winding river, dotted here and there with sails, and with steamers, seemingly held motionless by their widely separated train of canal boats. "What mountain is this that we are now to descend?" Miss Hargrove asked. "Cro' Nest," Burt replied.

The belief that large deposits of gold were made at Gardiner's Island, Dunderberg, Cro' Nest, New York City, Coney Island, Ipswich, the marshes back of Boston, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Isles of Shoals, Money Island, Ocean Beach, the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, and elsewhere has caused reckless expenditure of actual wealth in recovering doubloons and guineas that disappointed backers of these enterprises are beginning to look upon no, not to look upon, but to think about as visionary.

"Yes, brown paper," interpolated Neil. "And you have a complexion like a a football after a hard game." Neil grinned, then "By the way," he said, "did I tell you I'd heard from Crozier?" "About Billy and the ducks? And Gordon's not going back to Hillton? Yes, you got that at the beach; remember?" "So I did. 'Old Cro' will be up to his ears in trouble pretty soon, won't he?

The Hudson Highlands are suggestively named Bear Mountain, Sugar Loaf, Cro' Nest, Storm King, called by the Dutch Boterberg, or Butter Hill, from its likeness to a pat of butter; Beacon Hill, where the fires blazed to tell the country that the Revolutionary war was over; Dunderberg, Mount Taurus, so called because a wild bull that had terrorized the Highlands was chased out of his haunts on this height, and was killed by falling from a cliff on an eminence to the northward, known, in consequence, as Breakneck Hill.

The belief that large deposits of gold were made at Gardiner's Island, Dunderberg, Cro' Nest, New York City, Coney Island, Ipswich, the marshes back of Boston, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Isles of Shoals, Money Island, Ocean Beach, the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, and elsewhere has caused reckless expenditure of actual wealth in recovering doubloons and guineas that disappointed backers of these enterprises are beginning to look upon no, not to look upon, but to think about as visionary.

Burt then drove southward almost to Fort Montgomery, and returning skirted the West Point plain by the river road, pointing out objects of interest at almost every turn, and especially calling the attention of his companion to old Fort Putnam, which he assured her should be the scene of a family picnic on some bright summer day, Amy's wonder and delight scarcely knew bounds when from the north side of the plain she saw for the first time the wonderful gorge through which the river flows southward from Newburgh Bay Mount Taurus and Breakneck on one side, and Cro' Nest and Storm King on the other.

Americans don't care half as much for out-door life and pursuits as the English. It seems to me that city life cannot compare with that of the country." "You may think differently after you have been a few weeks in Gertrude's elegant home." They had paused again on the brow of Cro' Nest, and were looking out on the wide landscape.

But now they became conscious that their motion was growing less steady and rapid. A little later, and the floe apparently paused in its downward progress, and there was only some slight movement caused by the increasing gale. Then came what seemed interminable hours of weary waiting under the sombre shadow of "Cro' Nest" mountain.