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The repulsive fascination of the loathly serpent or dragon for women can hardly be explained on theological grounds. Some cranks have maintained that the theory of gravitation alone does not explain the universe, that repulsion is as necessary as attraction in our economy. This may apply to society.

"About three hundred tons per day, or an average of nearly two thousand tons per voyage. The coal carrying capacity of the "Campania," however, when needed as an armed cruiser, can be greatly increased." Siemens led Ingram to see the gigantic cranks, and propeller shafts.

At the end of that six months, Gilbert revolted against politicians. "These aren't the people who really matter," he said. "They don't start things. We want to get hold of the people with new ideas ... the men who begin movements and the men who aren't always wondering what their constituents will say if they hear about it!" Then followed a term with men who might have been called cranks.

In his dream there appear to him two figures, both of whom claim his knightly allegiance for life: one, a young and lovely girl in a bright coloured dress with flowers in her hair, tempts him to embrace a life of mirth, of Jest and youthful Jollity, Quips and Cranks and wanton Wiles, Nods and Becks and wreathed Smiles. The other resembles the same poet's

To both of them the lonely island came to seem like a happy home. Floracita was not so wildly frolicsome as she was before those stunning blows fell upon her young life; but the natural buoyancy of her spirits began to return. She was always amusing them with "quips and cranks."

They warned him of the extreme value of his treasure, of the sacred duty such wedlock imposed on him, of all the traditions and virtues of the Desten and Forrest blood, until Dick laughed and broke in with the disconcerting statement that they were talking like a bunch of fanciers or eugenics cranks which was precisely what they were talking like, although they did not care to be told so crassly.

I guess Koku must have grabbed him," said Tom softly. "I don't like that sort of a visitor. What's his hurry getting in here?" and our hero looked about, to see if he had a weapon at hand in case of an attack. Often cranks had forced their way into his shop, with pet inventions which they wanted him to perfect after they had themselves failed.

Indeed, even there, upon the benches, with a grave face, he often indulged in quips and cranks that convulsed his neighbouring audience, who often, amid the long dreary nights of statistical imposture, sought refuge in his gay sarcasms, his airy personalities, and happy quotations. 'I do not see how there can be opinion without thought, said Tancred; 'and I do not believe the public ever think.

The ocean liner was rolling like a chip, but as usual in such instances one passenger was aggressively, disgustingly healthy. "Sick, eh?" he remarked to a pale-green person who was leaning on the rail. The pale-green person regarded the healthy one with all the scorn he could muster. "Sick nothing!" he snorted weakly. "I'm just hanging over the front of the boat to see how the captain cranks it!"

It was not enough to keep alive; you had your career your duties as a leader of Society. There was the daily mail, with all the pitiful letters from people begging money actually in one single week there were demands for two million dollars. There were geniuses with patent incubators and stove-lifters, and every time you gave a ball you stirred up swarms of anarchists and cranks.