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Her father and mother returned to Cracow yesterday evening, and she told her grandmother she was going to spend the morning with me, and I said I was going to the Brs., so we went alone to Potzleinsdorf. Hella went for a walk round the cemetery while I went to darling Mother's grave. I am so unhappy; Hella consoles me as much as she can, but even she can't understand.

That is my reason, therefore, while I could have no objections to urge in opinion against this resolution for I have already declared what is my opinion with regard to the extinction of the free state of Cracow why I object to its being made a resolution of the House of Commons; and on that point I should be disposed to move the previous question.

At Cracow the tomb of many kings it passes half round the citadel, a shallow, sluggish river; and from the ancient capital of Poland to the present capital Warsaw it finds its way across the great plain, amid the cultivated fields, through the quiet villages of Galicia and Masovia.

Fears were entertained for Cracow, one of the strongest fortresses in Austria, if not in Europe, which seemed likely soon to fall into the hands of Russia. It was stated in Rome, and said to be admitted in Vienna, that the Archduke Frederick, commanding the Austrian forces in Galicia, had lost 120,000 men, or one-fourth of his entire army.

While occupied in besieging the Huguenots at Rochelle, and at a time when Poland enjoyed more religious liberty than any other country in Europe, Henry of Valois was elected to the throne, in succession to Sigismund II.; but he quickly absconded from Cracow in order to become Henry III. of France.

"Once in Vienna and twice in Cracow, my friend, we have met," Seaman reminded him softly but very insistently. The other shook his head gently. "A mistake. I have been in Vienna once many years ago, but Cracow never." "You have no idea with whom you are talking?" "Herr Seaman was the name, I understood." "It is a very good name," Seaman scoffed. "Look here and think."

It is perfectly true, that in a discussion in this House we stated our intention of sending a Consul to Cracow; but we were not at that time aware of all the objections entertained to that step by other Powers who had an interest in the question, and who possessed great influence in Cracow.

He studied at Cracow and in Italy. He was a priest, and settled at Frauenberg. He did not undertake continuous observations, but devoted himself to simplifying the planetary systems and devising means for more accurately predicting the positions of the sun, moon, and planets. He had no idea of framing a solar system on a dynamical basis.

Previous to these several partitions, Poland occupied a territory much more extensive than that of France. In addition to the kingdom proper, it included the province of Posen and part of West Prussia, Cracow, and Galicia, Lithuania, the provinces of Volhynia and Podolia, and part of the present province of Kief.

Poles of high birth are called the Frenchmen of the north, and we saw fair men and women in sumptuous polonaises and long robes who appeared luxurious in their traveling carriages. But stillness and solitude brooded on the land. From Cracow to Warsaw wide reaches of forest darkened the level. Any open circle was belted around the horizon with woods, pines, firs, beech, birch, and small oaks.