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Before them lay the coziest nook they had yet seen in the mountains, and in the center of it rose a warm curl of smoke from the chimney of a house, much superior to that of the average mountaineer. The meadows and corn lands on either side of a noble creek were enclosed in good fences. Everything was trim and neat.

Some of them are still occupied as such, though others are in too neglected and dilapidated a state to seem worthy of so splendid an establishment. But, in, truth, almost every cathedral close, in turn, has seemed to me the loveliest, coziest, safest, least wind-shaken, most decorous, and most enjoyable shelter that ever the thrift and selfishness of mortal man contrived for himself.

"Good Lord!" his father said. "I'm all mixed up in a golf tournament. I think I've got a chance to lick the boots off old Wainwright." "Oh dear!" sighed Mrs. Dyckman, "there's to be the most interesting lecture by that Hindu poet. And it's so much more comfortable here than ashore. This boat is the coziest you've ever had." "Stay here, darling," said Jim. "I'll make you a present of her."

Most likely they would call Lois down, or come over themselves, for they were the most sociable, coziest old couple you ever knew. They were good, kind girls, every one of them, had taken it in turn to sit up with Lois last winter all the time she had the rheumatism. She never forgot that time, never once.

She wrapped up the youngest sister, who would by and by be beautiful, and now being sick had only the flush of fever in her cheeks, and propped her in the coziest corner of the car, where she tried to make her keep still, but could not make her keep silent.

It was about ten o'clock that night that Old Hurricane, well wrapped up in his quilted flannel dressing-gown, sat in his well-padded easy-chair before a warm and bright fire, taking his comfort in his own most comfortable bedroom. This was the hour of the coziest enjoyment to the self-indulgent old Sybarite, who dearly loved his own ease.

Here, Mordecai, come to this corner against me," he added, evidently wishing to give the coziest place to the one who most needed it.

Bert Wainwright's voice came down the pipe, sounding megaphonically close. "Heavens!" Graham sighed with relief; for he had startled and clutched Paula's arm. "That's the time I got my fright. The little maiden is avenged. Also, at last, I know what a lead-pipe cinch is." "And it's time we started for the outer world," she suggested. "It's not the coziest gossiping place in the world.

"Do not feel so badly about it, sir," Reynolds soothed. "Your son and daughter will help you out, and perhaps carry on when you are gone. But you are good for years yet, so do not worry. We shall do our best to cheer you up." "And you will live here in the city?" Harmon questioned. "Certainly," Glen replied. "We are going to look for the nicest and coziest place, with a garden and flowers.

A wave of color came into her face, as instantaneous as I believe it was unexpected, though she said in a matter of fact tone: "There are other little things to be done, but we'll finish them to-morrow." "It's already the coziest place in the world," I insisted. "Now I'm going to cut that path, and then we'll have " but I checked myself and looked at her in some concern.