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I can only beseech you to realize the full extent of your great responsibility and remind you that if you entertain a reasonable doubt upon the evidence you are sworn to give the benefit of it to the defendant." He sank back in his chair and covered his eyes with his hands, while a murmur ran along the benches of the courtroom. The old man had collapsed tough luck the defendant was cooked!

"Your what?" demanded Hannah, with a frown as black as midnight. "My son," repeated Herman Brudenell, with emphasis. "Your son? What son? I didn't know you had a son! What should I know about your son?" "Woman, stop this! I speak of my son, Ishmael Worth whom I met for the first time in the courtroom yesterday! And I ask you how it has fared with him these many years?" demanded Mr.

You remember Cheyenne? I was afraid Tom would kill him, after the trial. You know it was practically proven that he was a spy, and was working to get something on the outfit. I was on the warpath myself, over that trial. I would a shot up a few in that courtroom if Tom had been convicted. You know and I know that Tom didn't have a thing to do with that darned, spotted yearling of Scotty's.

When she came to tell how her father had been found her voice broke and it was fully a minute before she could go on. When she had finished the courtroom was as still as a tomb, save for the ticking of the clock, now sounding louder than ever. "Is that all?" asked the coroner, after a painful pause. "Yes, sir." "They say, Miss Langmore, that you were not on good terms with your stepmother."

Therefore his surprise was great when the outcome of the case was explained to him by a Chinese friend who understood English, and his astonishment, if such it may be called, was still more intense upon seeing Rivers walk out of the courtroom receiving congratulatory handshakes as he passed. To the ignorant mind of the young Chinese, Rivers was being felicitated for having committed murder.

He felt that his own little office was altogether too small for the occasion and so arranged to bring off the affair in the general courtroom. The place was soon crowded with people, and another crowd gathered outside. The hour for opening the inquest was at hand and the majority of the witnesses were present.

At the end of the opening speech he proceeded to call the witnesses, and the first called to the stand was: "Claudia Dugald, Viscountess Vincent." Judge Merlin arose and led his daughter to the stand, and then retired. Claudia threw aside her deep mourning veil, revealing her beautiful pale face, at the sight of which a murmur of admiration ran through the crowded courtroom.

I knew it that morning when you came to me in the sugar cabin." "Yes, I knew all that," he went on bitterly. "I knew you loved me, and I knew what a love it was. I knew it. And yet that day that day in the courtroom, the only thing I could do was to call you liar!" She put up her hands with an appeal to stop him, but he went on doggedly. "Yes, I did. That was all I could think of.

But then the defense took her in hand, and it appeared that once upon a time she had been so indiscreet as to declare to somebody her conviction that all labor leaders ought to be stood up against the wall and filled with lead; so she was challenged by the defense, and very much chagrined she came down from the stand, and took a seat in the courtroom next to Peter.

Again there was a murmur of voices over the courtroom, and Frank, who had entered hastily, just after she began her address, called her attention to a large envelope which he laid on the table before her. She looked at him, and then at the envelope, and gave an involuntary start of surprise and a hastily stifled exclamation.