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Deputy Small was puzzled. He pushed his hat back and scratched his head.... "Jim, who put you up to this?" "The people what saw you lying here, as they drove in, stopped off at the office of the Globe ... it was 'Senator' Blair telephoned the courthouse " "Blair, eh?... trying to get even for what we boys did with his dirty paper ... he knows I like to lie out here and read my books of poetry!"

From the open window he looked out upon the magnificence of the autumn forests and saw the white pike road leading down to Clover Creek and the church spires and courthouse tower above the trees. "The heir to all this comfort and beauty gave it up because he didn't want to be a tavern-keeper here, and because he did want a girl Virginia!" Horace Carey said the name softly.

They recognize that law enforcement is first the duty of local police and local government. They recognize that the frontline headquarters against crime is in the home, the church, the city hall and the county courthouse and the statehouse not in the far-removed National Capital of Washington.

It crosses the Louisa Courthouse and Clayton store road east of Buck Chiles's farm. It intersects the direct road from Louisa Courthouse to Trevilian Station at a place designated on the map as "Netherland." When Custer started out in the morning the chances were that he would have a hard fight with Fitzhugh Lee at the outset.

Three magistrates were sitting when Ronald and Malcolm were brought into the courthouse.

After leaving Biederman's, and tagged by his small escorts, O'Day went straight to the courthouse and, upon knocking at the door, was admitted to Judge Priest's private chambers, the boys meantime waiting outside in the hall. When he came forth he showed them something he held in his hand and told them something; whereupon all of them burst into excited and joyous whoops.

'I am just about to open court, Mr. Storefield. Would you mind taking a few cases with me this morning? We went into the courthouse just for a lark. There was old George sitting on the bench as grave as a judge, and a rattling good magistrate he made too.

The boarding-house at first occupied by the surgeons' families was now vacated and fitted up for officers' wards, a room being found for me in a log house, owned by an old lady, Mrs. Evans, whose sons, except the youngest, a mere lad, were in the Confederate army. It was nearly a quarter of a mile from the courthouse.

They hung around the courthouse and were summoned on panel after panel, being paid six dollars a day, with numerous opportunities to make money on the side if they were clever. Among this group of professional jurors, there was the keenest competition to get into the jury-box of the Goober case.

Now, what are your plans?" I felt like a recalcitrant child who is determined to defy his masterful father. "Sir, I am going to ask my uncle to lend me his servant, Lal Dhari." "See your uncle if you want to," Sri Yukteswar replied with a chuckle. "But I hardly think you will enjoy the visit." Apprehensive but rebellious, I left my guru and entered Serampore Courthouse.