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Obviously! So long as the rats turned tail on Cossar no harm could come to him, and directly they headed for him he would see their eyes and fire between them. Since they would have to come down the cylinder of the hole, Cossar could hardly fail to hit them. It was, Cossar insisted, the obvious method, a little tedious perhaps, but absolutely certain.

These creatures dispersed hastily, but Cossar reached out incalculable limbs and managed to kill several with his boots and gun-butt.

Everybody was pretending not to know anything or to have any authority, in the way dear to South-Eastern officials when they catch you in a hurry. "Pity they can't shoot all these officials and get a new lot," remarked Cossar with a sigh.

"Obviously," said Cossar. He made it clear once more that the lamps of the cart and trolley were to be got and brought to him. Bensington, grasping this, started off along the path by the well. He glanced over his shoulder, and saw Cossar's gigantic figure standing out as if he were regarding the holes pensively. At the sight Bensington halted for a moment and half turned.

But here I see It is a new generation, Cossar, and new emotions and new needs. All this, Cossar " Cossar saw now his dim gesture to the things about them. "All this is Youth." Cossar made no answers and his irregular footfalls went striding on. "It isn't our youth, Cossar. They are taking things over. They are beginning upon their own emotions, their own experiences, their own way.

Even to meet you here to-day I have passed a limit. All that is reasonable and desirable in life they make out of bounds for us. We may not go into the towns; we may not cross the bridges; we may not step on their ploughed fields or into the harbours of the game they kill. I am cut off now from all our Brethren except the three sons of Cossar, and even that way the passage narrows day by day.

D'you think this world was made for old women to mop about in? Well, anyhow, you can't help yourselves now you've got to go on." "I suppose we must," said Redwood. "Slowly " "No!" said Cossar, in a huge shout. "No! Make as much as you can and as soon as you can. Spread it about!" He was inspired to a stroke of wit. He parodied one of Redwood's curves with a vast upward sweep of his arm.

He waved his pine mast in reply, filled the whole valley with his vast Hullo! threw a "Something's up" to his brothers, and set off in twenty-foot strides to meet and help his father. It chanced too that a young man who was not a giant was delivering his soul about these sons of Cossar just at that same time.

Skelmersdale decided that he wouldn't. "Rats about?" asked Cossar. "One was up in the pines this morning rabbiting, we reckon." Cossar slouched on to overtake his party. Bensington, regarding the Experimental Farm under his hand, was able to gauge now the vigour of the Food.

Cossar had apparently never driven before, and he was keeping the line of least resistance down the middle of the road by some no doubt quite obvious but certainly unusual light of his own. "Why don't we all do the obvious?" thought Bensington. "How the world would travel if one did! I wonder for instance why I don't do such a lot of things I know would be all right to do things I want to do.