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We began our preparations by wheeling the four bedsteads into one room. It seemed to us cosier to be sleeping thus together; indeed, it was quite a distance from the extremity of one room to the extremity of the other. Resigning ourselves to the pillows, each desired his neighbor to extinguish the lights; no one moved to perform this necessary duty.

"Here in the parlour, Miss!" said the woman, kind and bustling. "I'd rather the kitchen, please," said Boy. "Cosier there." "Very well, my dear. There's a fire there. And I'll get you a cup o' tea." When Silver entered the house a little later he saw the girl comfortably established by the fire. He peeped in and withdrew quietly. "I'll be back in a minute," he said quietly to the woman.

Victor, who might have taken his life; but that only an interchange of courtesy took place betwixt the rival gallants. This ridiculous story was doubtless intended to throw additional odium on the First Consul, if Cosier St. Victor should be condemned and not obtain a pardon, in which case malignity would not fail to attribute his execution to the vengeance of a jealous lover.

Bad characters, sir? I hope not. We keep no highway robbers in this parish." He faced us, rush-lamp in hand, in his great vaulted kitchen, and the light fell on an honest, puzzled face. As for Mr. Noy's face, I regret to say that it fell when he heard this vindication of his flock. "I brought ye into the kitchen, sirs," went on Farmer Menhennick, "because 'tis cosier.

It seemed all the cosier because of the storm that raged without. The sleet was beating against the pane, and the wind came howling across the fields. Beth parted the curtains once, and peeped out at the snow-wreaths whirling and circling round. "Dear! such a storm! I am glad you're not out to-night, daddy."

The recollection decides me to court my own warm hearth, to challenge my right hand again to a game at the "dambrod" against my left. But it is cosier to put on the shutters. The road to Thrums has lost itself miles down the valley. I wonder what they are doing out in the world. A packman whom I thawed yesterday at my kitchen fire tells me that last Sabbath only the Auld Lichts held service.

But there is no reason why we should not re-introduce the joyful and grateful pair at a later period of that same eventful day, when, seated together by the bedside of old Nell, they recounted their experiences yes, the same old woman, but thinner and wrinkleder, and smaller in every way; and the same bed, as far as appearance went, though softer and cosier, and bigger in all ways.

Treddleford sat in an easeful arm-chair in front of a slumberous fire, with a volume of verse in his hand and the comfortable consciousness that outside the club windows the rain was dripping and pattering with persistent purpose. A chill, wet October afternoon was merging into a bleak, wet October evening, and the club smoking-room seemed warmer and cosier by contrast.

Were we to judge these memorable proceedings from the official documents published in the Moniteur and other journals of that period, we should form a very erroneous opinion. Those falsities were even the object of a very serious complaint on the part of Cosier St. Victor, one of the accused. After the speech of M. Gauthier, the advocate of Coster St.

Mark, a pale, handsome boy of ten, and Josephine, a rosy girl of seven, sat on the opposite side of the fire, amusing themselves with a puzzle. The gusts of wind, and the great splashes of rain on the glass, only made them feel the cosier and more satisfied.