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"No, me won't," cried Poopy, with great passion, while tears sprang from her large eyes, and coursed over her sable cheeks. "Me will bu'st dem ropes." "More likely to do that to yourself if you go on like that," returned Corrie. The only bother about it is that these rascally savages have dropped me beside a pool of half soft mud that I can't help sticking my head into if I try to move."

I have seen a prairie on fire, luckily from the far side of a comfortably broad river, and have ridden through a pine-forest when every tree for miles was an uplifted torch, and pungent yellow smoke rolled down each corrie side in grey rivers crested with dancing flame. But that Martian glare was more sombre and terrible than either. "What is it?"

Oh! take me, Henry!" cried Corrie, in a beseeching tone, as he sprang promptly to his friend's side.

Jo expressed no desire to become enlightened on this point, but continued to gaze so earnestly that Corrie started up and exclaimed "What is it, Jo?" "A fut!" replied Jo. "A footprint, I declare!" shouted the boy, springing forward and examining the print, which was pretty clearly defined in a little patch of soft sand that lay on the bare rock. "Why, Jo, it's Poopy's.

"Certainly, my friend; I hope no new evils are about to befall us," said the missionary, who was startled by the serious countenances of the mother and son, for he was ignorant of the close relation in which they stood to Gascoyne, as, indeed, was every one else in the settlement, excepting Montague and his boatswain, and Corrie, all of whom were enjoined to maintain the strictest secrecy on the point.

Having achieved this easy though unintentional victory, Bumpus sighed again, shook his legs in the air, and sat up, gazing before him with a bewildered air, and gasping from time to time in a quiet way. "Wot's to do?" were the first words with which the restored seaman greeted his friends. "Hurrah!" screamed Corrie, his visage blazing with delight, as he danced in front of him.

"I fear it won't do, your hands are tied, Corrie." "Oh! that's nothing. The only difficulty is how to get on my knees." "Surely that cannot be very difficult, when you talk of getting on your feet."

"I do b'lieve, boy, that there's nobody here, and that we'd as well 'bout ship and steer back the way we've comed; tho' it is a 'orrible coast for rocks and shoals." To this, Corrie, not being in a talkative humor, made no reply. "D'ye hear me, boy?" said Jo, aloud, for he was somewhat shaken again by the dead silence that followed the close of his remark.

"Yes; but he must not know that I am going to-night, and with Henry Stuart." "Why not?" "Ah! that's the point. Mystery! Alice mystery! What a world of mystery this is!" observed the precocious Corrie, shaking his head with profound solemnity. No, Alice: I dare not say anything more on that point, even to you just now.

Now, then, keep an eye on them gals, lad, and I'll be back as soon as ever I can; though I does feel rather stiffish. My old timbers ain't used to such deep divin', d'ye see." Bumpus entered the thicket as he spoke, and Corrie returned to console the girls, with the feeling and the air of a man whose bosom is filled with a stern resolve to die, if need be, in the discharge of an important duty.