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Lincoln's book is written out of the experience of life, both as a housekeeper and a teacher. Her long experience as principal of the Boston Cooking-School has enabled her to find out just what it is that people most want and need to know. I have no hesitation in recommending Mrs. Lincoln's as the best cook-book, in all respects, of any I have seen.

Peterkin's cook-book were all. "That's the thing!" said Agamemnon. "We want a library." "We want a library!" said Solomon John. And all of them exclaimed, "We want a library!" "Let us think how we shall get one," said Mrs. Peterkin. "I have observed that other people think a great deal of thinking." So they all sat and thought a great while. Then said Agamemnon, "I will make a library.

The book is admirably arranged, and is supplied with the most perfect indexes we have ever seen in any work of the kind" The Christian Union. "Mrs. Lincoln has written a cook-book; really written one, not made merely a compilation of receipts, that sort of mechanical work any one can do who has patience enough to search for the rules, and system enough to arrange them. Mrs.

She had cooked a cheap cut of beef from a recipe in the cook-book, and that was drying up by the side of the soup. Poor Charlotte had no procrastination, but rather the failing of "Haste makes waste" of the old proverb. She had her cheap cut of beef all cooked at three o'clock in the afternoon, and also the potatoes, and the accompanying turnips.

Well, do sit down, now you have come, and let us get to these horrible old notices." So the boys drew up their chairs, and Polly pushed the cook-book, with an affectionate little pat, into the center of the table. "That's what we are going to study," she said gleefully. "Study?" echoed Pickering, with a very long face.

It taxes both the lender and the borrower on the same property and the latter has to pay for both. It must be remembered that such securities are not wealth per se, any more than a cook-book is a square meal they are merely evidences of ownership.

"I went down to the six-o'clock train, and then I waited for the next, and then I came home, and I watched, and the telegraph-boy came to tell me there was no telegram, and I had the dinner keeping warm on the back of the range; it was beefsteak cooked that way in the cook-book, and there was a pudding," said Charlotte, incoherently, and she began to weep against her father's shoulder.

We'll all tell you everything we know. Here's an old cook-book on the shelf, and well teach you the recipes. That leaves Whittington for general-utility man. He'll be our hewer of wood and drawer of water, to say nothing of washing the dishes. We'll all feel free to call on him whenever any of us gets into a tight place. How does that hit you, Whittington?" "Never touched me! I'm no servant."

Bertram laughed so loud that the man across the aisle glanced over the top of his paper surreptitiously. "Rosa's cook-book! Is that what you were doing all this week?" "Yes; that is I tried so hard to learn something," stammered Billy. "But I'm afraid I didn't much; there were so many things for me to think of, you know, with only a week. I believe I could make peach fritters, though.

Each wore a fresh oak leaf, and nothing would do but Rosalind must run back to get one for Miss Celia; and there must have been magic in it, so suddenly did Celia's courage revive. "I feel better," she said, stopping to turn the leaves of the cook-book. "Let me see, 'boil several hours till the juice is well out of the fruit, Sally always lets it drip over night into the big stone jar.