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A series of nebula-pictures, obtained with this fine instrument, have proved highly instructive both as to the structure and extent of these wonderful objects; above all, one of the great Andromeda nebula, to which an exposure of three hours was given on October 1, 1888. In it a convoluted structure replaced and rendered intelligible the anomalously rifted mass seen by Bond in 1847.

Unrelated to the appendix-lacking, corkscrew-twirling Worm, she is nevertheless familiar with the logarithmic spiral. From the celebrated curve she obtains merely a sort of framework; but, elementary though this framework be, it clearly marks the ideal edifice. The Epeira works on the same principles as the Mollusc of the convoluted shell.

Here is the new Fort Duquesne that is holding the place of the confluence of the rivers and trails just beyond the Alleghanies, and this is the ammunition with which that begrimed but strong-faced garrison defends the valley to-day, supports the city on the environing hills and the convoluted plateau back of the point, spans streams the world around, builds the skeletons of new cities and protects the coasts of their country.

The hemispheres are united at the bottom of the fissure by a mass of white fibers passing from side to side. Each of these hemispheres is subdivided into three lobes, so that the entire cerebrum is made up of six distinct lobes. The cerebrum has a peculiar convoluted appearance, its deep folds being separated by fissures, some of them nearly an inch in depth.

"Assuredly," I replied, striving to follow him, "yet with the wary greeting, 'Slowly, slowly; walk slowly, engraved upon my mind, for the barrier of these convoluted stairs " but at this word a band of maidens passed out hastily, and in the tumult I reached the dais and began Weng Chi's immortal verses, entitled "The Meandering Flight," which had occupied me three complete days and nights in the detail of rendering the allusions into well-balanced similitudes and at the same time preserving the skilful evasion of all conventional rules which raises the original to so sublime a height.

Like the Cuscus of the Moluccas, the Galeopithecus feeds chiefly on leaves, and possesses a very voluminous stomach and long convoluted intestines. The brain is very small, and the animal possesses such remarkable tenacity of life, that it is exceedingly difficult to kill it by any ordinary means. The tail is prehensile; and is probably made use of as an additional support while feeding.

Merganser, trachea of the male. Merganser serrator, male plumage of. Mergus cucullatus, speculum of. Mergus merganser, young of. Metallura, splendid tail-feathers of. Methoca ichneumonides, large male of. Meves, M., on the drumming of the snipe. Mexicans, civilisation of the, not foreign. Meyer, on a convoluted body at the extremity of the tail in a Macacus and a cat. Meyer, Dr.

"For a moment I seemed to see the interior of my own skull, lighted as by a flash of fire; the rolling eyeballs, veined in scarlet, the glistening muscles quivering along the jaw, the humid masses of the convoluted brain; then awful darkness a darkness almost tangible an utter blackness, through which now seemed to creep a thin, silver thread, like a river crawling across a world like a thought gliding to the brain like a song, a thin, sharp song which some distant voice was singing which I was singing.

A more myopic perspective would not have produced a full rendering of truth. Reality in any sense was more than any conscious registering of it. It was more convoluted. Although perhaps no different than the jealous remarks of Hera to Zeus, Hilda's acrimonious tone seemed boringly uncelestial.