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You'll have to ship a new crank shaft, rewind the main motor, renew the Manila lines, overhaul the standing rigging, retube the condensers and dock her before handing her over to me. She's as foul as any hulk in Rotten Row." "Why, that will cost in the neighborhood of forty thousand dollars nearer fifty!" MacCandless declared. "I know.

Hoddan set to work with the remnants of a tool shop on the ancient yacht and some antique coils and condensers and such. He became filled with zest. He almost forgot that he was the skipper of an elderly craft which should have been scrapped before he was born. But even he grew hungry, and he realized that nobody offered him food.

He hung up, reached for a telegraph blank and wrote the following message: San Francisco, July 28, 1914. Terence Reardon, Chief Engineer, S. S. Arab, Port Costa, California. Have bought Narcissus. Offer you one hundred seventy-five a month quit Arab now and supervise installation new crank shaft, retubing condensers, and so on; permanent job as chief. Do you accept? Answer immediately.

It is this construction that makes sharp tuning with these sets possible, by which is meant that all wave lengths are tuned out except the one which the receiving set is tuned for. A Short Wave Regenerative Receiver With One Variometer and Three Variable Condensers. This set also includes a variocoupler and a grid coil.

Stated very briefly, Edison's principal contribution to the commercial development of the automatic was based on the observation that in a line of considerable length electrical impulses become enormously extended, or sluggish, due to a phenomenon known as self-induction, which with ordinary Morse work is in a measure corrected by condensers.

They have a capacitance of 1 mfd. and will stand 750 volts. These condensers cost about $2.00 each. The Filter Reactance Coil. It consists of a coil of wire wound on a soft iron core and has a large inductance, hence the capacitance of the filter condensers are proportionately smaller than where a small inductance is used which has been the general practice.

Winston Churchill departed for the coast by automobile under convoy of an armoured motorcar. His last act was to order the destruction of the condensers of the German vessels in the harbour, for which the Germans, upon occupying the city, demanded an indemnity of twenty million francs.

The only differences between this and the preceding transmitter are: the magnetic modulator, if you use one, should have an output of 3-1/2 to 5 amperes; you will need two 50 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; two 150 watt rectifier tubes with sockets; an aerial ammeter that reads to 5 amperes; three 1 mfd. filter condensers in parallel; two filter condensers of 1 mfd. capacitance that will stand 1750 volts; and a 300 milliampere filter reactor.

The boilers required constant attention day and night, the fires had to be stoked, and the water stored as it slowly trickled from the cooling tray. Thus the duties of the twenty-four hours consisted in chopping and carrying wood, watching the condensers, attending to the camels, occasionally sleeping and eating, and prospecting for gold in spare time.

Contributed to Power by Walter B. Gump. The case about to be described concerns a steam plant in which there were seven cross-compound condensing Corliss engines, and two Curtis steam turbines. The latter were each of 1500-kilowatt capacity, and were connected to surface condensers, dry-vacuum pumps, centrifugal, hot-well and circulating pumps, respectively.