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Then his father gave him a hefty shove from behind which released him from where he was held and sent him flying, and heavily bleeding, deep into his room. The door was slammed shut with the stick, then, finally, all was quiet. It was not until it was getting dark that evening that Gregor awoke from his deep and coma-like sleep.

Coburn's flow of raging speech stopped short. He stared. He saw other fallen soldiers. Dozens of them. In coma-like slumber, the soldiers who had come to loot and murder lay like straws upon the ground. If they had been dead it would have been more believable. At least there are ways to kill men. But this ... Dillon parted the group of villagers about him and came toward Coburn and Janice.

Of that she felt quite sure, heard with that sixth sense of which she, in her ignorance, knew nothing, but which, nevertheless, now had roused her from that coma-like state into which terror had thrown her, and set every one of her nerves tingling once more and pulsating with life and the power to feel. For the moment all her faculties seemed merged into that of hearing.

Thornton's voice was very faint the words reached Helena plainly enough as words, but they seemed to reach her consciousness in an unreal, unnatural, blunted way, coma-like pregnant of significance, yet with the significance itself elusive, evading her. "A good woman," whispered Mrs. Thornton, "I have tried to be a good woman but but my life, our wealth, our position has made it so artificial.

In that coma-like condition she could be outwardly normal while inwardly she was living a life of unrealities. She had fought that dangerous comfort as a surrender to phantasy until in a measure she had conquered it. She had fought steadfastly against all the insurgent influences in her heart aroused by the belated telegram, as one fights the influence of a drug.

Yet she never once complained, nor should I have even surmised the extent of her prostration, were it not for this coma-like sleep. She will not wake now. We may safely leave her alone while we go back and bring our saddle horses here, for we must bring them in order to hide them to-day and use them to-night.