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I ha'e been considerin' for a while," he went on, speaking quickly, "about puttin' a stop to this collectin' business at the office on pay Saturdays, for it just encourages some men to lie off work when there's no' very muckle wrong wi' them; after they get the collection they soon start work again. Ye had better no' stand the morn, for I might as well begin at once and put a stop to it."

They might have hit him with that whole stockin'ful of mud they've been collectin', and he wouldn't have staggered. But when they go to hit the young feller, there, with it, he's down and out." "Eh!" barked the magnate of Canibas, catching the last words. "I am? Not by a " He broke off, ashamed of wasting effort in mere boasts.

"They're likely gettin' the fellow that wasn't killed when he went over the bluff," Dud suggested. "There ain't a thing we can do to help him either." "That's it, I reckon. They're collectin' him now. Wonder which of the boys it is." Dud felt a twinge of conscience. There was nothing he could do to help the man hemmed in on the riverbank, but it hurt him to lie there without attempting aid.

It ain't the fashion, any more, to have family buryin' grounds; they're collectin' 'em into the cemeteries, all round." "I reckon I got to bear it," said his wife, muffling her face in his handkerchief. "And I suppose the Lord kin find me, wherever I am. But I always did want to lay just there.

It's only fair to tell you that." "Well," he said, with what seemed a suspicion of a smile, "I don't know but what that's about as honest an answer as I ever got." "Why did you do it?" Wetherell cried, suddenly goaded by another fear; "why did you buy that mortgage?" But this did not shake his composure. "H-have a little habit of collectin' 'em," he answered, "same as you do books.

They all took advantage of it but one, and that was Arietta. "I reckon you'll pay toll fur coming through Forbidden Pass, Young Wild West!" one of the villains exclaimed. "Hold him tight, boys! I'm glad yer didn't kill him when that shot was fired at him. I told Chuck not ter do it. Ther captain wants him alive. Git ther gal, too! This is what I call collectin' toll, all right!"

Tim had not yet espied either, nor did he till Dick addressed him. "Are you round collectin' fiddles this mornin'?" he asked. Tim looked up, and, seeing that his victim had found an able champion, felt anxious to withdraw. He was about to turn back, but Dick advanced with a determined air. "Jest stop a minute, Tim Rafferty," said he. "I'm a-goin' to intervoo you for the Herald.

Ball, "if one of 'em falls behind in his grocery bill, for example, he can always get money from Job. Job takes a mortgage, but he don't often close down on 'm. And Job has been collectin' credentials in Avalon County for upward of forty years." "Collecting credentials?" "Yes. Gets a man nominated to State and county conventions that can't go, and goes himself with a bunch of credentials.

Most curious thing I ever saw was the night they pulled a wagon, collectin' the invisible dead from the battlefield." Rick's hair had an impulse to stand on end. The calm, factual way in which the tenant farmer piled mystery on mystery was incredible. "You mean you saw ghosts pulling a ghost wagon?" the boy asked incredulously. "Like I said. More a cart than a wagon, I suppose you'd say.

And then he had the cheek to ask me to give him 'a quarter for himself." "Yes, that was his tip. We must expect that. Gertrude says she always has to tip the servants and drivers and such at college. Did you give it to him?" "Who? Me? I told him I was collectin' for a museum, and I'd give him a quarter for the horse, just as it stood or WHILE it stood.