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Simonds & White and their employes, Edmund Black, Samuel Abbott, Samuel Middleton, Michael Hodge, Adonijah Colby, Stephen Dow, Elijah Estabrooks, John Bradley, William Godsoe, John Mack, Asa Stephens, and Thomas Blasdel. To these may be added the wives of James Simonds, of Black, Abbott and one or two other workmen; also a few settlers living in the vicinity.

The boys were all tired that night, and the occupants of Dormitory No. 6 retired early in consequence. It was a little after midnight that Dick awoke with a cough. He sat up in bed and opened his eyes to find the room almost filled with smoke. "For gracious sake!" he muttered. "What's the matter here? Sam! Tom!" "What's this?" came from Larry Colby. "Is the house on fire?"

At the mention of the annual encampment the cadets set up a cheer. The outing was looked forward to with great interest. "Where are we going this year?" asked George Granbury. "It's a secret, I believe," answered Larry Colby. "But I am pretty certain that we are going further away than usual." "I hope we go into the mountains." "Or along some other lake, where the fishing is fine," put in Tom.

"On the evening of January twenty-sixth, twenty-four hours before Jack Andrews landed in America," continued Colby, "the prisoner, Mr. A. Jones, appeared at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Continental Film Manufacturing Company, in New York, and was formally elected president of that organization." "What is your proof?" inquired the judge, stifling a yawn.

"Gentlemen," said Terry, making his voice light and cheerful as he felt that the voice of a Colby should be at such a time, being about to die, "I suppose you understand why I have asked you to come here?" "Yes," nodded Gainor. "But I'm damned if I do," said the sheriff frankly. Terry looked upon him coldly.

Moreover, the defense readily admitted that the pearls exhibited had all been in Jones' possession. Then Colby got up to refute the evidence. "Mr. Jones," he began, "has " "Give the prisoner's full name," said the judge. "His full name is A. Jones." "What does the 'A' stand for?" "It is only an initial, your honor. Mr. Jones has no other name." "Puh! He ought to have taken some other name.

Colby Macdonald and his activities had brought him to the country. "Do you mean personally or because he represents the big corporations?" "Both. His word comes pretty near being law up here, not only because he stands for the Consolidated, but because he's one man from the ground up.

The girls had spent several days in New York, shopping, and a dressmaker from the city had been called in to dress the young ladies as befitted the occasion. Tom was to be Dick's best man, while Sam was to head the ushers at the church the other ushers being Songbird, Stanley, Fred Garrison, Larry Colby, and Bart Conners.

On this point Secretary Colby took sharp issue in the following statement: "Such powers as the Allied and Associated nations may enjoy or wield, in the determination of the governmental status of the mandated areas, accrued to them as a direct result of the war against the Central Powers.

But Tom was already up, and he and Larry Colby dragged Dick to a place of safety. In the meantime some of the other cadets who were used to managing horseflesh took care of the team and led them away and tied them fast to a tree. "Dick, Dick! are you badly hurt?" The question came from Tom, as he gazed anxiously into his brother's face.