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The quality of determinate station in the duration which belongs to an event which is 'here' in one determinate sense of 'here' is the same kind of quality of station which belongs to an event which is 'there' in one determinate sense of 'there. Thus cogredience has nothing to do with any biological character of the event which is related by it to the associated duration.

Evidently motion in an instantaneous space is unmeaning. Motion expresses a comparison between position in one instantaneous space with positions in other instantaneous spaces of the same time-system. Cogredience yields the simplest outcome of such comparison, namely, rest. Motion and rest are immediately observed facts.

This assertion of cogredience is peculiarly evident when the duration to which the perceived event is cogredient is the same as the duration which is the present whole of nature in other words, when the event and the percipient event are both cogredient to the same duration.

This meaning of 'here' is the content of the special relation of the percipient event to its associated duration. I will call this relation 'cogredience. Accordingly I ask for a description of the character of the relation of cogredience. The present snaps into a past and a present when the 'here' of cogredience loses its single determinate meaning.

But in discerning an event we are also aware of its significance as a relatum in the structure of events. This structure of events is the complex of events as related by the two relations of extension and cogredience. The most simple expression of the properties of this structure are to be found in our spatial and temporal relations.

It is not true that all the parts of an event cogredient with a duration are also cogredient with the duration. The relation of cogredience may fail in either of two ways. One reason for failure may be that the part does not extend throughout the duration.

Namely, amid the alternative time-systems which nature offers there will be one with a duration giving the best average of cogredience for all the subordinate parts of the percipient event. This duration will be the whole of nature which is the terminus posited by sense-awareness. Thus the character of the percipient event determines the time-system immediately evident in nature.

The explanation is not given here . It is sufficient now merely to mention the sources from which the whole of geometry receives its physical explanation. Cf. Principles of Natural Knowledge, and previous chapters of the present work. The correlation of the various momentary spaces of one time-system is achieved by the relation of cogredience.

Thus one definite duration is associated with a definite percipient event, and we are thus aware of a peculiar relation which finite events can bear to durations. I call this relation 'cogredience. The notion of rest is derivative from that of cogredience, and the notion of motion is derivative from that of inclusion within a duration without cogredience with it.

When the bulk of the events perceived are cogredient in a duration other than that of the percipient event, the percipience may include a double consciousness of cogredience, namely the consciousness of the whole within which the observer in the train is 'here, and the consciousness of the whole within which the trees and bridges and telegraph posts are definitely 'there. Thus in perceptions under certain circumstances the events discriminated assert their own relations of cogredience.