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If we should succumb under the united efforts of imbecility, of pro-slavery treason, of Anglo-Franco-European and of American perjury, then Ultima coelestis terram Astræa reliquit. Oct. 25. Only two or three days ago, in a conversation with a diplomat, Mr. Seward asserted that both the extreme parties will be mastered that is, the secessionists and the abolitionists. So Mr.

And this was the song: "Coelestis urbs, Hierusalem Beata pacis visio," It was hardly to be a vision of peace to them.

They called it Carthago Veneris Carthage of Venus. And certainly the old Phoenician Tanit always reigned there. Since the rebuilding of her temple by the Romans, she had transformed herself into Virgo Coelestis. This Virgin of Heaven was the great Our Lady of unchastity, towards whom still mounted the adoration of the African land four hundred years after the birth of Christ.

The pagan sanctuaries were numerous. That of the goddess Coelestis, the great patroness of Carthage, occupied a space of five thousand feet. The ancient Phoenician Moloch had also his temple under the name of Saturn. They called him The Old One, so Augustin tells us, and his worshippers were falling away.

To name but the grandest, Arnold found Cattleya Percevaliana; from Colombia were brought Odont. vex. rubellum, Bollea coelestis, Pescatorea Klabochorum; Smith sent Cattleya O'Brieniana; Clarke the dwarf Cattleyas, pumila and præstans; Lawrenceson Cattleya Schroederæ; Chesterton Cattleya Sanderiana; Digance Cattleya Diganceana, which received a Botanical certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society on September 8th, 1890.

"Fellow" and "companion" have now exchanged meanings, though we still speak of a bedfellow and the fellow to a glove. This "Americanism" is really an old English phrase, as many more so-called Americanisms also are. Idols. Our forefathers had a rooted idea that Jews and Mohammedans were idolaters. Their very word for idols, "Mawmetis," was a corruption of the name of Mahomet. "Urbs Coelestis!

But, Igneus est ollis vigor & coelestis origo. At length it shall be transplanted into its native region, and enjoy a more genial climate, and a kindlier soil; and, bursting forth into full luxuriance, with unfading beauty and unexhausted odours, shall flourish for ever in the paradise of God.

Tritum est in scholis, he says, esse hominem minorem mundum, in quo mixtum ex elementis corpus et spiritus coelestis et plantarum anima vegetalis et brutorum sensus et ratio et angelica mens et Dei similitudo conspicitur.

And so Richard Pynson and Margery Marnell parted, never more to speak to each other on this side of the Happy City. Any reader acquainted with mediaeval hymns will recognise in this "Urbs coelestis! urbs beata! Super petram collocata." I have translated a few lines of the hymn for the benefit of the English reader; but my heroine must be supposed to sing it in the original Latin.

Maledicat illum sanctus Michael, animarum susceptor sa- os crarum. Maledicant illum omnes angeli et archangeli, principatus et potestates, omnisque militia coelestis. os Maledicat illum patriarcharum et prophetarum laudabilis numerus.