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Now it was the talk and laughter of the boys which alone disturbed the peaceful silence. After having walked a little over half an hour, they came to a place, somewhat open, and here they found club-moss in abundance lining the ground. To their left, the rippling of the brook could be heard flowing on its way to the river. Ahead of them stood the thick forest of pine, fir, and spruce.

I was compelled to creep for miles on all fours, and in following the bear-trails often found tufts of hair on the bushes where they had forced themselves through. For 100 feet or so above the fall the ascent was made possible only by tough cushions of club-moss that clung to the rock.

Then followed an animated discussion as to the kind of wreaths they should make, and the best time to do the work. All this was settled by the entrance of Captain Josh. He entered heartily into the plan, much pleased at the interest of the scouts in raising more money. "Guess we'd better begin upon the club-moss first," was his decision.

At every step the foot sank into the moss, which, like a soft green snow, covered everything, making every stone a cushion and every rock a bed, a grand old Norse parlor; adorned beyond art and upholstered beyond skill. Indulging in a brief nap on a rug of club-moss carelessly dropped at the foot of a pine-tree, I woke up to find myself the subject of a discussion of a troop of chickadees.

"Oh, that's all right," Hilda answered, trying to soothe her, though she herself began to look a trifle anxious. "That's only Ram Das's graphic way of putting things." We sat down on a bank of trailing club-moss by the side of the rough track, for it was nothing more, and let our guide go on to negotiate with the Lamas.

But coal is as much an essential condition of this growth and development as carbonic acid is for that of a club-moss. Wanting coal, we could not have smelted the iron needed to make our engines, nor have worked our engines when we had got them. But take away the engines, and the great towns of Yorkshire and Lancashire vanish like a dream.

LYCOPODIUM complanatum. CLUB-MOSS. The juice of this plant extracted by an acid forms a most beautiful yellow. LYCOPUS europaeus. WATER-HOREHOUND. The juice of this gives out a black colour, and is sometimes used by the common people for dyeing woollen cloth. The gypsies are said to use the juice of this plant to colour their faces with. LYSIMACHIA vulgaris.

Would any but a poet at least could any one without being conscious that he had expressed himself with noticeable vivacity have described a bird singing loud by, "The thrush is busy in the wood?" or have spoken of boys with a string of club-moss round their rusty hats, as the boys "with their green coronal?" or have translated a beautiful May-day into "Both earth and sky keep jubilee!" or have brought all the different marks and circumstances of a sealoch before the mind, as the actions of a living and acting power?

But, in this case, it may be asked, why does not our English coal consist of stems and leaves to a much greater extent than it does? What is the reason of the predominance of the spores and spore-cases in it? A ready answer to this question is afforded by the study of a living full-grown club-moss.

"We make them out of hemlock, and club-moss. But I didn't know you could sell them." "You can in the city," Whyn explained, "for mamma told me so. They will bring from four to five cents a yard. Wouldn't it be great for us to make up a whole lot, say five hundred yards? Let me see, that would be twenty or twenty-five dollars. Just think of that!" and the girl's eyes danced with excitement.