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He then exchanged the dress he usually wore for one more suited to travelling; and, having put a change or two of linen into a small cloak-bag, selected as arms a strong double-edged sword and an excellent pair of pistols, which last he carefully loaded with double bullets.

His stud was thoroughbred and in excellent order. For example: 1 Man's riding-saddle, hogskin seat, large plated stirrups and every thing complete. Double reined bridle and Pelham bit, plated. A very neat and fashionable Newmarket saddle-cloth. A large and best portmanteau, saddle, bridle, and pillion. Cloak-bag surcingle; checked saddle-cloth, holsters, &c.

Poor devil, thou'rt sadly tired with thy journey! come get on a little faster there's nothing in my cloak-bag but two shirts a crimson-sattin pair of breeches, and a fringed Dear Julia! But why to Frankfort? is it that there is a hand unfelt, which secretly is conducting me through these meanders and unsuspected tracts?

I am going forwards, said the stranger, for Frankfort and shall be back at Strasburg this day month. I hope, continued the stranger, stroking down the face of his mule with his left hand as he was going to mount it, that you have been kind to this faithful slave of mine it has carried me and my cloak-bag, continued he, tapping the mule's back, above six hundred leagues.

Being favoured with the unreserved confidence of the young Count, he instantly had recourse to his bureau, the locks of which he found means to burst open, and, examining a private drawer, contrived with great art to conceal Renaldo's jewels and cash, made himself master of the contents without hesitation; then cutting open his cloak-bag, and strewing the tent with his linen and clothes, began to raise his voice, and produce such a clamour as alarmed the whole neighbourhood, and brought a great many officers into the tent.

Being favoured with the unreserved confidence of the young Count, he instantly had recourse to his bureau, the locks of which he found means to burst open, and, examining a private drawer, contrived with great art to conceal Renaldo's jewels and cash, made himself master of the contents without hesitation; then cutting open his cloak-bag, and strewing the tent with his linen and clothes, began to raise his voice, and produce such a clamour as alarmed the whole neighbourhood, and brought a great many officers into the tent.

It was one cool refreshing evening, at the close of a very sultry day, in the latter end of the month of August, when a stranger, mounted upon a dark mule, with a small cloak-bag behind him, containing a few shirts, a pair of shoes, and a crimson-sattin pair of breeches, entered the town of Strasburg.

That his Medicines may be fewer, is evident in Physicians that practise in the Country, who ride far to Patients, and carry in their Mans Cloak-bag, Medicines enough, not only for the person he is sent to, but also for most other persons, and Cases he meets with in his Travels, and therefore his Closet needs contain but few, yet noble and generous Medicines, and such as may serve him upon all occasions, supplying what's defective from the Fields or Gardens.

Depones that Andrew Wilson went again into the room, and brought out a cloak-bag, which he desired the deponent to carry, which he refused to do.

There was formerly, sire, a merchant, who was possessed of great wealth, in land, merchandise, and ready money. Having one day an affair of great importance to settle at a considerable distance from home, he mounted his horse, and with only a sort of cloak-bag behind him, in which he had put a few biscuits and dates, he began his journey.