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VIII. Indoctrination of mind and intellect. Indoctrination of mind and intellect. Civil religion. National education. Egalitarian moral standards. Obligatory civism. The recasting and reduction of human nature to the Jacobin type. Let not Man go astray, let us lead him on, let us direct minds and souls, and, to this end, let us enfold him in our doctrines.

A contempt for religion or decency has been considered as the test of an attachment to the government; and a gross infraction of any moral or social duty as a proof of civism, and a victory over prejudice.

Fathers of the country! there is here such complicated ingratitude and abuse of confidence, of contradiction and chicanery, of prevarication and treason, that profoundly indignant at so much wickedness concealed beneath the cloak of philosophy and hypocritical civism, we say to you Your decree has saved the country, and if they are obstinate in refusing you permission to save the country, well, the nation will save itself, for, after all, the power of a veto has a termination a veto does not prevent the taking of the Bastille.

"I will make it clear that the denunciation was false by making a thorough search," he went on in a gentle voice; "my report shall be such that you will be safe from any subsequent suspicion. I shall make mention of your patriotic gifts, your civism, and all of us will be safe." Mme. de Dey, fearful of a trap, sat motionless, her face afire, her tongue frozen.

You will find that they have not.... The Commune issues certificates of civism to its satellites and refuses them to the best citizens." The monopoly is obvious; they make no attempt to conceal it; six weeks later, it becomes official: several revolutionary committees decide not to grant certificates of civism to citizens who are not members of a popular club."

Notwithstanding this lady's care not to engage in her service any person of either sex who cannot produce, not a certificate of civism from the municipality as was formerly the case, but a certificate of Christianity, and a billet of confession signed by the curate of the parish, she had often been robbed, and the robbers had made particularly free with those relics which were set in gold or in diamonds.

No doubt Noriot shared the plunder with the Committee of Public Salvation, as that sort of person always did. I recollect the steward telling my grandmother that she might live at Grandvilliers in complete security, because her corn was as good as a certificate of civism. Well, then, this Loriot, who sold corn to those butchers, has never had but one passion, they say he idolizes his daughters.

The reasons given were avowedly based on the representations of the suppliant himself: first, that Duteil, the inspector, had given him permission to sail for Corsica in time to avoid the equinox, a distorted truth; and, second, that the Corsican authorities had certified to his civism, his good conduct, and his constant presence at home during his irregular absence from the army, a truthful statement, but incomplete, since no mention was made of the disgraceful Easter riots at Ajaccio and of Buonaparte's share in them.

The same, in the street, where he lays hold of a man passing, on account of his looks; the justice of the peace, Joly, certifies to the civism of this person, and he "eyes" Joly: "You too, you are an aristocrat! I see it in your eyes! I never make a mistake." Whereupon, tearing off the Judge's badge, he sends him to prison. He shouts to one of them, "You are a muscadin!"

Rome heard with bitter indignation of this old traitor's ingratitude, and his false mask of republican civism. Excepting Marcus Aurelius himself, not one man but thirsted for revenge. And that was soon obtained. Except the family and household of Cassius, there remained in a short time none for the vengeance of the senate, or for the mercy of the emperor.