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And I was beastly hungry the day before yesterday. 'I have been there, returned Darco. 'There was an English Duke he is dead now I did a liddle service in Puda Besth. He vanted to bay me. I said "I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not take money excebt in the way of business." Ven I was ruint in the United States I game back to England, and I hat not one benny. I galled on the Duke. He was at bregfasd.

'I don't like to take it, sir, until I have earned it. 'Now, said Darco, 'who do you subbose you are? If you want to stob here, you will do as you are dold to do. I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not sbeak to beobles dwice. 'Oh, very well, sir, said Paul, and went on writing from dictation. 'Now,'said Darco, 'you haf got all the attresses at the foot of the ledders.

It has changed. It has changed for the petter, but I know id. You gannot deceive me apout a sdyle. I am Cheorge Dargo. I know my way anywhere. They smoked and sipped their coffee in a splendid contentment 'Vat prings you to Baris? Darco asked lazily. 'I sold a book yesterday, said Paul 'my first I had worked hard; I thought I deserved a little holiday I have got to learn my world.

He said, 'I am Cheorge Dargo, ant now you know, a little oftener than was necessary, but he laid bare all the weaknesses of plot and execution all the improbabilities which Paul supposed himself cunningly to have effaced or bidden, and he showed him how fatally he had disguised his budding scoundrel in a robe of goodness throughout the whole of the first act. 'But it's life! cried Paul.

I gave the paker ten dollars the week after and dold him vat I had done. He puffed idly and sipped his Gloria. 'I am Cheorge Dargo, he murmured nosily. 'There is nothings I haf not been. There is nothings I have not seen. There is nothings worth doing that I have not done. He smoked and sipped again. 'But I haf not got a liderary sdyle. You haf a liderary sdyle.

I am Cheorge Dargo, ant I nefer forgive an incratitude. This contemptuous parting wounded Paul to the quick, and the strange statements about Claudia maddened him. In one respect, at least, Darco, in his treatment of women, was chivalry incarnate; he would speak no scandal no, nor listen to it. Paul tossed and tumbled throughout the night a prey to shame and passion and cold doubt.

'Have you got an idea to work on? 'My poy, said Darco, 'I am primming with iteas. I am itching all ofer with iteas, as if I were living in a bag of vleas. I am Cheorge Dargo. Ven you find Cheorge Dargo without iteas you may co to the nearest ghemist ant ask for poison. Take your ben ant sit down, ant I will show you if I haf iteas or no.

He could be princely with it all in his own way. 'You haf learned your pusiness, young Armstrong, he said to Paul when the rush was over. 'I gan deach anypoty his pusiness if he is not a vool. I am Cheorge Dargo. You haf done your work gabidally, and you are vorth fife dimes vot I am baying you. But I alvays like the shady site of a pargain, and I shall only gif you four dimes.

'Id is a gread vork, he announced solemnly when it was all over. 'Id is peautifully written, and that is your affair, younk Armstronk. But the goncebtion is clorious, ant that is my affair. Vot? Not? I am Cheorge Dargo, and I know my trade.

I feel as if I were, but it will be easy for you to fill my place, and I shall always remember how kind and generous you have been to me. 'Now, loog you here, said Darco; 'there is somethings the madder. I can see it in your vace. You dell me vod it is, and I will but it straight for you. I can see that somethings is the madder. I am not a fool. I am Cheorge Dargo. Now dell me.