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And when I say that ..." he squeezed the tail of an emaciated tube ... "Chardin was a great swell. ... He sells 'em to pay his dinner now. But wait till the dealers get hold of him. A great swell oh, a very great swell." "It's an awfully pleasant life," said Jacob, "messing away up here. Still, it's a stupid art, Cruttendon." He wandered off across the room. "There's this man, Pierre Louys now."

What Holbein, what Chardin could render the almost extraordinary brilliance of those black eyes, those dilated pupils: the eyes of a prophet, a seer; singularly wide and deeply set, as though gazing always upon the mystery of things, as though made expressly to scrutinize Nature and decipher her enigmas?

Assuredly he is in the great European tradition, but specifically he is of the French: Chardin, Watteau, and Poussin are his direct ancestors. Of Poussin no one who saw La Boutique Fantasque will have forgotten how it made one think. No one will have forgotten the grave beauty of those sober greys, greens, browns, and blues. They made one think of Poussin, and of Racine, too.

But now, seeing that neither the façade of Rouen, nor the influence of Chardin on Whistler, had been mentioned, his unusual loquacity continued. "Why couldn't Judith come on and make us a visit too? It would be fun to have a scrap with her again."

But, in spite of his persistence in keeping her to Chardin and Japanese prints, she would pass on from herself to Imogen, emphasizing her satisfaction in Imogen's great interest in art. "It's such a delightful bond between people," And Mrs. Upton, with her more than American parental discretion, smiled her approval of such bonds.

Chardin worked from an accumulation of notes, but there are few sketches of his in existence, a sanguine or two. The paucity of the Velasquez sketches has piqued criticism. Like Velasquez, Chardin was of a reflective temperament, a slow workman and a patient corrector. The intimate charm of the Chardin interiors is not equalled even in the Vermeer canvases.

Then, when Idamore saw he had got hold of the old man, through his sister, you understand, he threw over my daughter, and now he has got hold of a little actress at the Funambules. And that was how my daughter came to get married, as you will see " "But you must know where the mattress-picker lives?" said Josepha. "What! old Chardin? As if he lived anywhere at all!

And in characterizing the turn for poetry in French painting as comparatively inferior, it will be understood at once, I hope, that I am comparing it with the imaginativeness of the great Italians and Dutchmen, and with Rubens and Holbein and Turner, and not asserting the supremacy in elevated sentiment over Claude and Corot, Chardin, and Cazin, of the Royal Academy, or the New York Society of American Artists.

Chardin on the Persians. Charms, worn by women. Charruas, freedom of divorce among the. Chasmorhynchus, difference of colour in the sexes of; colours of. Chasmorhynchus niveus. Chasmorhynchus nudicollis. Chasmorhynchus tricarunculatus. Chastity, early estimation of. Chatterers, sexual differences in. Cheever, Rev. H.T., census of the Sandwich Islands.

In fact, the only thing in which Jones succeeded was to prove in a decisive manner that the ancient Persians were not equal to the lumières of the eighteenth century, and that the authors of the "Avesta" had not read the "Encyclopédie." Jones's censure was echoed in England by Sir John Chardin and Richardson, in Germany by Meiners.