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Chanticleer, until that worthy was close upon him. Chanticleer, it appears, always made a practice of rising early; but though Tom had distinguished his voice so loud you might have heard it half a mile off calling to the people in the farm-yard, he did not at all expect a visit from him in the particular field that he was examining. "Well, sir," said Mr.

I think I see him now, as he came with his long face to tell me of the scrape he had got into. "I would stay at home," said the unfortunate youth, with tears in his eyes, "but that I am afraid of offending Captain Bulldog, who will, perhaps, challenge me himself, if I don't fight Chanticleer; and of the two enemies," added Tom, forcing a faint smile, "you know which I should prefer."

Other voices took up the challenge on the right, some near, some far, until it seemed that there was scarcely a house in the neighbourhood at which Chanticleer was not a dweller. There was no other sound.

And while they worked, Miss Ruth told the story of "She belonged to our next-door neighbor, and we called her the Widow because her mate a fine plucky little bantam rooster was one day slain while doing battle with the great red chanticleer who ruled the hen-yard. "I took pity on the little hen in her loneliness, and singled her out from the flock for special attention.

About this last loss, however, she said nothing, hoping that her mistress wouldn't remark it. This, indeed, proved to be the case; for, without noticing the absence of poor Chanticleer, Catharine burst into tears, exclaiming, "What is to be done? The only way is to cut the bush down." As she spoke, she seized an axe, and with one blow felled the bush to the ground.

'The nuts are quite ripe now, said Chanticleer to his wife Partlet, 'suppose we go together to the mountains, and eat as many as we can, before the squirrel takes them all away. 'With all my heart, said Partlet, 'let us go and make a holiday of it together. So they went to the mountains; and as it was a lovely day, they stayed there till the evening.

Then Chanticleer was very sorry, and cried bitterly; and all the beasts came and wept with him over poor Partlet. And six mice built a little hearse to carry her to her grave; and when it was ready they harnessed themselves before it, and Chanticleer drove them. On the way they met the fox. 'Where are you going, Chanticleer? said he. 'To bury my Partlet, said the other.

The old Canterville look came into his eyes; he ground his toothless gums together; and, raising his withered hands high above his head, swore according to the picturesque phraseology of the antique school, that, when Chanticleer had sounded twice his merry horn, deeds of blood would be wrought, and murder walk abroad with silent feet.

It would have been well had his sons followed his example; but then I should not have had this tale to tell. Close by us, at the largest farm-house in the county, there lived a Mr. Chanticleer, one of the proudest and most irritable fellows I ever had the misfortune to meet with.

Why, even a tall chanticleer makes a home look homely. I do like to see a tall proud chanticleer strutting in the yard and barely giving way as I advance, almost ready to do battle with a stranger like a mastiff. So I prefer the simple old home by Buckhurst Park.