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"But we don't go down the hill to Chagmouth," objected Babbie, who had received instructions from her mother to allow the 'sardines' to use their own car, and not to offer to motor any of them. "We turn off at the cross-roads to go to The Warren." "I know. But you always start first, and you could leave me at the cross-roads, and the others would pick me up as they passed. Be a sport, Babbie!"

"I suppose you'll all be weekly boarders?" ventured Mavis, when Fay had finished her communications. "No, we're to be day-girls. Six of us from Chagmouth are joining in a car and motoring every morning and being fetched back at four ourselves, Nan and Lizzie Colville, and Tattie Carew. It will be rather a squash to cram six of us into Vicary's car! We've named it 'the sardine-tin' already.

If I get too bored I shall run over to Paris and see my sister, but really I haven't been well lately myself, and it will do me good to take a thorough rest for a while." Fay, who had formed an enthusiastic friendship with Beata and Romola, was as pleased with Chagmouth as her parents.

My spirits are rising and I see fun ahead. I only wish Daddy could go and live at Chagmouth and we could go to school every day in 'the sardine-tin. They'll have the time of their lives, the luckers! Don't I envy them, just!" "I don't think I'd like to be packed quite so tight, thanks!" objected Mavis. "On the whole, I much prefer going backwards and forwards to Chagmouth in Uncle David's car.