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With the most cheerful complacency the military authorities blue-pencilled their despatches to their governments. When the diplomats learned of this, with their code cables they sent open cables stating that their confidential despatches were being censored and delayed. They still were delayed.

Cary's reputation for discretion must be very high in the little village where he lives if it is able to guarantee so disreputable a scribbler as Bennet Copplestone! The Admiral, fortunately, had not read any of my Works before they had been censored. When printed in Cornhill they were comparatively harmless. I must not describe the Malplaquet.

The Brussels office was allowed to send and receive German-censored mail three times a week by way of Holland, and we could do a limited amount of censored telegraphing to Rotterdam over the German and Dutch wires and thence to London by English-censored cable. But Hoover came regularly every few weeks to Brussels, taking his chances with mines and careless submarines.

Stubbs, I must tell you that if you refer to that matter in your despatches they will be strictly censored." "I shall not mention the matter, General." Stubbs bowed and took his departure, first stopping to say to Hal and Chester: "You'll find me back in our old quarters when you arrive." "Now, boys," said General Petain, after Stubbs had gone, "you are relieved of duty for the rest of the day.

American correspondents, however, were not yet strictly censored, so that their papers published news of it on August 9. On Sunday, August 9, 1914, two British transports were observed making for the harbor of Boulogne. The weather was all that could be wished, the crossing resembled a bank-holiday excursion. For some days previously the French had taken a gloomy view of British support.

"Hurry, Judith," Jane begged. "Have them bring a stretcher. I am sure we shouldn't lift her head; her face is bloodless." "She appears to be recovering," Dozia whispered. "Poor Shirley! How dreadful that this should happen!" "If only she lives," moaned Jane, contrition in voice. Somehow it was unbearable that this country girl had been so severely censored by Jane and her companions.

Plays like Ghosts and A Doll's House as far as the episode of Nora's hopeless lover is concerned and the works of that fierce moralist M. Brieux are banned by most of official theatredom, and some of them are censored. In fact, the whole note of the theatre is that gloomy or painful matters should be excluded.

I think he rather prided himself upon his familiarity with the English language especially that part which is censored so severely by editors that only a half-dozen words are permitted to appear in cold type, and sometimes even they must hide their faces behind such flimsy veils as this: d n. So if I never quote Mr. Pochette verbatim, you'll know why.

He knew quite well that every letter which left the institution was opened and censored, but, with certain plans lying fallow in his brain, he had a method back of the exaggerated contentment he pictured. He had a feeling that Ginger would not be misled altogether.

The former, however, were rather too much censored, which fact constituted an annoyance which, with the exertion of a little tact, might easily have been avoided. As will be seen from the details, the fate of the Boer prisoners of war was not such a bad one after all.