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If he had succeeded, we should all have been worshipping him, and his portrait would have been more flattered." "Well, well," said Cennini, "I say not thy doctrine is not too clever for Satan: I only say it is wicked enough for him." "I tell you," said Macchiavelli, "my doctrine is the doctrine of all men who seek an end a little farther off than their own noses.

"An envoy must be as dumb as a father confessor." "Certainly, certainly," said Cennini. "I ask for no breach of that rule. Well, my belief is, that if his Holiness were to drive Fra Girolamo to extremity, the Frate would move heaven and earth to get a General Council of the Church ay, and would get it too; and I, for one, should not be sorry, though I'm no Piagnone."

See his Castello di Ferrara, Turin, 1873, and the description of the castle in the Notizie storico-artistiche sui primarii palazzi d'Italia, Firenze, Cennini, 1871. Luigi Napoleone Cittadella, La Stampa in Ferrara. Ferrara, 1873. See first part of Villari's well known biography of Savonarola. Alexander carefully followed everything that took place in Ferrara. He never lost sight of his daughter.

"You are something too flippant about the Frate, Francesco," said Pietro Cennini, the scholarly. "We are all indebted to him in these weeks for preaching peace and quietness, and the laying aside of party quarrels. They are men of small discernment who would be glad to see the people slipping the Frate's leash just now.

I am persuaded there was some jealousy at the bottom of Giannozzo's alienation from Piero de' Medici; else so amiable a creature as he would never feel the bitterness he sometimes allows to escape him in that quarter. He was in the procession with you, I suppose?" "No," said Cennini; "he is at his villa went there three days ago."

"In truth, it is as clear as Venetian glass that this fine young man has had the best training; for the two Cennini have set him to work at their Greek sheets already, and it seems to me they are not men to begin cutting before they have felt the edge of their tools; they tested him well beforehand, we may be sure, and if there are two things not to be hidden love and a cough I say there is a third, and that is ignorance, when once a man is obliged to do something besides wagging his head.

"Assuredly," said Cennini; "you see there the Orators from France, Milan, and Venice, and behind them are English and German nobles; for it is customary that all foreign visitors of distinction pay their tribute to San Giovanni in the train of that gonfalon.

"That may be seen, young man, if you will come with me," said Cennini. "My brother Pietro, who is a better judge of scholarship than I, will perhaps be able to supply you with a task that may test your capabilities. Meanwhile, take back your ring until I can hand you the necessary florins, and, if it please you, come along with me."

"I'm sure there's something wrong about him, else he wouldn't have that secretaryship." "He's an able man," said Cennini, in a tone of judicial fairness. "I and my brother have always found him useful with our Greek sheets, and he gives great satisfaction to the Ten. I like to see a young man work his way upward by merit.

Who speaks like this? Is it the monk Denys in his cell at Mount Athos? Or Cennini, who spread the pious teaching of the Giotteschi? Or one of the old painters of Sienna, who in their profession of faith called themselves "by the grace of God, those who manifest marvellous things to common and illiterate men, by the virtue of the holy faith, and to its glory"?