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"I just hate that old Polly Pepper, it's four o'clock!" as the church bell on St. Stephen's tower pealed out. So Polly didn't have a chance, after all, to tell her glad piece of news, until they were at the Club supper, which was to be given at Larry Keep's to celebrate his getting well. "Oh, Alexia," she was guilty of whispering, "it's the most splendid thing."

It was the first compliment she had received in all her life, and it was the beginning of an era. "We are going," Dolly to Ralph Gowan, "to have a family rejoicing, and we should like you to join us. We are going to celebrate Mollie's birthday." "Thanks," he answered, "I shall be delighted."

We cherish every memorial of these worthy ancestors; we celebrate their patience and fortitude; we admire their daring enterprise; we teach our children to venerate their piety; and we are justly proud of being descended from men who have set the world an example of founding civil institutions on the great and united principles of human freedom and human knowledge.

If I find with you, sir, those two precious pieces of furniture, I'll follow your name, as that of my benefactor, with immortal praise, and I'll celebrate you in Greek and Latin verses of all sorts of metres." So he said, and drank deeply. "That's well," replied the philosopher. "I'll expect both of you to- morrow morning at my house.

Every year they celebrate four several fasts, which they call according to the names of the saints: the first begins with them at the time that our Lent begins; the second is called amongst them the Fast of St. Peter; the third is taken from the Day of the Virgin Mary; and the fourth, and last, begins upon St. Philip's Day.

And beholding the Rishis and the Siddhas thus vanish in their sight like vapoury forms appearing and disappearing in the skies, the citizens filled with wonder returned to their homes." "Vaisampayana continued, 'Dhritarashtra then said, 'O Vidura, celebrate the funeral ceremonies of that lion among kings viz., Pandu, and of Madri also, in right royal style.

I realized that I had made a mistake that I should have taken him to a more modest restaurant. But then the chasm between him and me seemed to be too wide for us to celebrate as ship brothers in any place "By the way, Gitelson, I owe you something," I said, producing a ten-dollar bill. "It was with your ten dollars that I learned to be a cloak-operator and entered the cloak trade.

"It's a fool thing anyhow," Max Reed wound up, "to celebrate the anniversary of a divorce especially " Here he caught Jim's eye and stopped. But I had suddenly remembered. Could anything have been worse? And of course she would have hysteria and then turn on me and blame me for it all.

Had he no more strength in the happy light of his new fortune than to go out and "celebrate," as she had heard the sergeant confidentially charging to Horace, like any low fellow in the sweating throng? But this thought she put away from her with humiliation and self-reproach, knowing, after the first flash of vexation, that it was unjust.

Aunt Tillie had the Christmas dinner just ready to sit down to when the glad cry of the children announced Austin's arrival. All of them were at home that day to celebrate their last Christmas in the old house, for their father had sold the homestead and they were to move the coming week. It was with joy that the extra plate was laid for the wanderer. "Well, well, Austin! you are here at last!