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Who fears, dear star, the wildest sea With you to guide him?" Then came the hill a cataract, A dusty swirl, before us; The world stood round a village world In fearful chorus. Sure to be killed! Sure to be killed! O fools, how dare ye! Sure to be killed and serve us right! Ah! love, but were we?

A bound against the cage door left the way open, and the hundred monkeys in the cage, big and little were not slow to take advantage of the opportunity thus offered. Chattering wildly, they poured from the wagon like a small cataract. A moment later the attendants discovered them and gave chase. At about the same time the monkeys discovered that something was going on under the big top.

He stood as if carved from the rock at his back, while the sky grew rosy with the gleams of the rising sun which drove the darkness before them and made rainbows of the mist that shrouded the cataract. Before the sun itself appeared above the horizon, the wolf had vanished into the dark cave. Dusk of the following day found him once more abroad.

If you heard of him at the Finish, or at Buckingham Palace ball, or in a watch-house, or at the Third Cataract, or at a Newmarket meeting, you would not be surprised. He goes everywhere; does everything with all his might; knows everybody.

The first mighty fall, Njupeskoers cataract, is seen by the Norwegian frontier in Sernasog. The mountain stream rushes perpendicularly from the rock to a depth of seventy fathoms. We pause in the dark forest, where the elv seems to collect within itself nature's whole deep gravity.

It is in full view of the river-path which leads from Mahallah to Philae, and yet it escaped the notice of scores of travellers who have searched the rocks and islands in the Cataract for graffiti and inscriptions. The inscription, which covers a space six feet by five feet, was discovered accidentally on February 6th, 1889, by the late Mr.

But to suppose that our captain would rush into this river where he might be swept over the great cataract! That seemed impossible! I resolved to await the destroyers' closest approach and at the last moment I would decide. Yet my resolution to escape was but half-hearted. I could not resign myself thus to lose all chance of following up this mystery. My instincts as a police official revolted.

When the later Browning takes us on one of those long afternoon rambles through his mind, over moor and fen, through jungle, down precipice, past cataract, we know just where we are coming out in the end. We know the place better than he did himself. Nor will posterity like Browning's manners, the dig in the ribs, the personal application, and de te fabula of most of his talking.

In The Prelude he compares himself to an æolian harp, which answers with harmony to every touch of the wind; and the figure is strikingly accurate, as well as interesting, for there is hardly a sight or a sound, from a violet to a mountain and from a bird note to the thunder of the cataract, that is not reflected in some beautiful way in Wordsworth's poetry.

'If they can come through it we're done infantry can't hold 'em. Give me every round you can, and as fast as you can, please. He ran back to his place. A cataract of shells poured their shrapnel down along a line of which the nearest edge was a bare twenty yards from the British front.