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Though our English admirers may not believe it, we see our own faults more clearly than we once did thanks, partly, to the faithful castigations of our friends and we sometimes find it difficult to conceal our blushes when we are over-praised.

Dunstan now secluded himself entirely from the world, and constructed for his habitation a cell in the abbey of Glastonbury, so narrow that he could neither stand upright in it, nor stretch out his limbs in repose. He took scarcely so much sustenance as would support life, and mortified his flesh with frequent castigations.

Caddis was left reflecting, that we have, in the dispensations of Providence, when we have a seat, to submit to castigations from butcherly men unaccountably commissioned to solidify the seat. He could have preached a discourse upon Success, to quiet the discontentment of the unseated.

Though our English admirers may not believe it, we see our own faults more clearly than we once did thanks, partly, to the faithful castigations of our friends and we sometimes find it difficult to conceal our blushes when we are over-praised.

For that extraordinary statement he received two castigations, one at home, that was mild, and one from the schoolmaster, who was careful to lay the rod upon the boy's sliding-place, punishing him, as he jocosely called it, on a sliding scale, according to the thinness of his pantaloons. What I liked best at school, however, was the study of history, early history, the Indian wars.

To understand the value of his example and inspiration, we must read over again his castigations of Wharton, of Burnet, of Boulter, of Whitshed, of Allan, and all the leaders of the oligarchy, in the Irish Parliament.

He is a troublesome vexer of the dead, which after so long sparing must rise up to the judgment of his castigations. He is one that makes all books sell dearer, whilst he swells them into folios with his comments. Is one of God's judgments; and which our roarers do only conceive terrible. He is the properest shape wherein they fancy Satan; for he is at most but an arrester, and hell a dungeon.

Caddis was left reflecting, that we have, in the dispensations of Providence, when we have a seat, to submit to castigations from butcherly men unaccountably commissioned to solidify the seat. He could have preached a discourse upon Success, to quiet the discontentment of the unseated.

Though our English admirers may not believe it, we see our own faults more clearly than we once did thanks, partly, to the faithful castigations of our friends and we sometimes find it difficult to conceal our blushes when we are over-praised.

We acknowledge Horace's satires to be scathing enough, though they are light and delicate, almost trifling and flippant at times. He has not the volcanic utterance of Juvenal, but I doubt not his castigations were quite as effective. 'Quamquam ridentem dicere verum quid vetat? Burns might have well replied to his censors with the same question.