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"I tried to get him to stop, sir, saying he had done quite enough last night for all next day; but he told me it was his business to get the tire put on Farmer Wheatstone's cart-wheel to-day just as much as it was his business to go in the life-boat yesterday. So he would go, and Aggy wouldn't stay behind." "Fine fellow, Joe!" I said, and took my leave.

Sometimes an old cart-wheel is smeared with resin, ignited, and sent rolling down the hill. Often the boys collect all the worn-out besoms they can get hold of, dip them in pitch, and having set them on fire wave them about or throw them high into the air. Or they rush down the hillside in troops, brandishing the flaming brooms and shouting.

Finding that the entire dinner-table struck in, with voices of every pitch between rolling thunder and the squeak of a cart-wheel, and that the strain was not of such delicacy as to be much hurt by the harshest of them, I determined to lend my own assistance in swelling the triumphant roar.

For you, life is like a long and pleasant day spent in a hammock under a shady tree your husband at the head and your children at the foot of your couch. You ought to have been a mother stork, dwelling in an old cart-wheel on the roof of some peasant's cottage. For you, life is fair and sweet, and all humanity angelic.

He was a hard-headed, sober-minded Scotchman, who had been elected to represent a group of his countrymen living in the eastern part of the village, and whose profession, the five supposed, indicated without doubt his entire willingness to see through a cart-wheel, especially when the hub was silver-plated.

Richling rallied to his defences. "I think I could make a good book-keeper, or correspondent, or cashier, or any such" The Doctor interrupted, with the back of his head toward his listener, looking this time up the street, riverward: "Yes; or a shoe, or a barrel, h-m-m?" Richling bent forward with the frown of defective hearing, and the physician raised his voice: "Or a cart-wheel or a coat?"

Try try some milder fun up there; do you hear? Something that doesn't hurt so infernally." "You say this is your purpose your purpose with me. You are making something with me birth pangs of a soul. Ah! How can I believe you? You forget I have eyes for other things. Let my own case go, but what of that frog beneath the cart-wheel, God? and the bird the cat had torn?"

He always remembered the names and ages of the children, their troubles and those of their parents; and would stop to inquire, with sympathetic interest, for the health of the cow that fell sick at Christmas, or of the rag-doll that was crushed under a cart-wheel last market-day. When he returned to the palace the marketing began.

A great object may gain by comparison with one which is superficially lower or even mean nature with a cart-wheel. Went over the hills to Bicknoller a sunny, hazy day and the Bristol Channel was in a mist. The note of the cuckoo was unceasing. Down in the valley at Bicknoller the hedges and banks of the lanes are in the most ardent stage of spring.

The cottages seemed newly built and empty, and no person was moving about; nor had any road been made, but the houses stood on the wet clay, full of deep cart-wheel ruts, and strewn with broken bricks and builders' rubbish.