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Bridget Burns was not turning out to be as mild creature as Janice had first believed her to be. She could be stubborn. When she got to school that morning Janice found that there was another disturbing incident in the offing. Amy Carringford squeezed her arm as they hurried in to grammar recitation, and smiled at her.

Without being at all sly, Janice did go about doing something for Amy Carringford with considerable shrewdness. She had never walked home with Amy from school. She did not like the purlieus of Mullen Lane.

After even his legal suspicion was satisfied as to Mrs. Carringford's identity, Mr. Payne said, again looking at Gummy: "Did you and your husband name this boy after a certain relative named John Gumswith. Mrs. Carringford?" "My husband's elder brother. Yes, sir. Gumswith is named after his Uncle John." "Humph! I should consider it something of a punishment if I were the boy," muttered the lawyer.

Could you?" "I can't come very early in the morning; but Amy can get supper for the children, so that I could stay until after your dinner at night, Janice." "Mrs. Carringford! if you'll come and help us," gasped Janice, "I think I'll just cry for joy." "Don't do that, my dear. Of course, this is only a stop-gap.

But he had left a legacy, too, "to any son that my brother, Alexander Carringford, of Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A., may have had who has been duly christened 'Gumswith' after me, to perpetuate my family name." "Of course," said Mr. Payne, dryly, "nobody challenged the will, and so it was probated.

And they almost kill her, they are so heavy to handle." "Oh, my dear! I wouldn't let her do them." "I guess we wouldn't Gummy and I if we could help it," sobbed Amy. "But something must be done by the Carringford family to help out. When Mr. Strout comes over from Napsburg next week he will make us pay off something on that mortgage, or turn us out of the house such as it is."

"And he says there is always a silver lining to the very blackest cloud. Now I know he's right. You are the silver lining to this cloud, Mrs. Carringford you really, truly are!" If it had not been for Mrs. Carringford's presence in the house, this experience certainly would have been a very hard one for Janice Day.

Those that are left to come to us must be just ordinary human beings with some good and some sense mixed in with the bad." It proved to be a very busy day, indeed, for Janice that Saturday. But she did not overlook her promise to Amy Carringford. Yet it was mid-afternoon when she started for Mullen Lane with the pink and white party dress in a neat package over her arm.

Just toll Strout along a little," and he laughed. "Do you think I can do this, Mr. Day?" asked Mrs. Carringford doubtfully. "You can to it for your children's sake, I have no doubt. And remember, in any case, if Strout demands the entire mortgage paid at once, within three days I will try to obtain for you a new mortgagee.

Well, what can you tell Mrs. Carringford?" "Nothing much about that Mullen Lane property, I fear, that she will want to hear." "Too bad, too bad," said Broxton Day. "I am sorry for her. She is a hard working woman and proud. No chance of helping her?" "I can settle the case for five hundred dollars. I cannot connect Abel Strout with this shake-down for that is what it is.