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"Hollo, Dick! hang it, old hoss, what are ye 'bout?" "Carambo!" "By the 'tarnal airthquake!" "Vaya! hombre, vaya!" "Carrajo!" "By Gosh!" "Santisima Maria!" "Sacr-r-re!" It seemed as if the different nations had sent representatives to contest the supremacy of their shibboleths. I was struck with three groups.

"Carambo! carrajo! chingaro!" growls the cibolero, who well knows the meaning of those stakes and lines. We watch with a fearful interest the movements of the savages. We have now no longer any doubt of their intention to remain for several days. The stakes are soon erected, running for a hundred yards or more along the front of the encampment. The savages await the return of their hunters.

Carrajo, I will flog him when we get on board! Gomez!" There was, of course, no reply. "He may have fallen in and been drowned, or taken by a shark, perchance," suggested another voice. More oaths followed, together with a lengthy dissertation on Gomez's ancestors, both immediate and remote.

"Those two gentry," said he, pointing to a magnificently dressed cavalier and lady, who had dismounted from a carriage, and arm in arm were coming across the wooden bridge, followed by two attendants; "those gentry are the Infante Francisco Paulo, and his wife the Neapolitana, sister of our Christina; he is a very good subject, but as for his wife vaya the veriest scold in Madrid; she can say carrajo with the most ill-conditioned carrier of La Mancha, giving the true emphasis and genuine pronunciation.

"Carrajo!" exclaimed a Mexican, "what do you think of monkey? I have dined upon that down south many's the time." "Wal, I guess monkey's but tough chawin's; but I've sharpened my teeth on dry buffler hide, and it wa'n't as tender as it mout 'a been."

I was told that when Corilla sang, she had only to fix her squinting eyes on a man and the conquest was complete; but, praised be God! she did not fix them on me. At Florence I lodged at the "Hotel Carrajo," kept by Dr. Vannini, who delighted to confess himself an unworthy member of the Academy Della Crusca. I took a suite of rooms which looked out on the bank of the Arno.

I wonder whether by any chance de Soto has taken those papers himself! Carrajo! now I remember. When we came in together to look at the English whelp the drawer was open. Without doubt de Soto has them. Well, never mind; I will have them from him before I have finished with him.

The sight of you reminds me that I rather want to see him myself. Come along, old chap!" And therewith Jack, still retaining his grip upon the stranger's arm, swung him round and made as though he would drag him along to the hotel. "Carrajo! How dare you, sir!" exclaimed the stranger, vainly striving to wrench himself free from Jack's grasp.

That Pierre hated and feared the dog, quite as much as the animal disliked him, was evident. He would scowl, and say "Carrajo," every time Marmion came near him, and lay his hand on his knife, as if it would have afforded him infinite pleasure could he have found an opportunity, to draw it across the dog's throat.

For a second or two the noise of the runners came nearer and nearer; and then, suddenly, there was a loud cry of "Halt!" followed by a terrific shouting and hubbub, the snapping of small branches, the crackling of undergrowth trodden down, and then the report of a carbine. "Carrajo!" muttered Jim, "they have sighted that unfortunate Chilian, then!