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He rose to a majestic height majestic considering the bed quilt. "See here " he began. "Please don't interrupt," requested Mr. Magee sweetly. "I was, as I have said, a happy carefree haberdasher. And then she entered my life. Arabella was her name. Ah, Professor, you lady of the yellow locks, crisped liken golden wire even she must never in my presence be compared with Arabella.

But then they would go to sleep again, with the carefree innocence of children, with no suspicions, and without alarm. Siñá Tona had an unjust weakness for her younger son.

Joan laughed her pleasant laugh, her merry, carefree laugh; the laugh that rippled so buoyantly from her lips and made old people feel young again to hear it; and she said to the company: "Have no fears indeed, there is no need nor any occasion for them. We will strike the English boldly by assault, and you will see."

He might have remained content and carefree indefinitely, had he not heard the growl that came forth from a nearby top-hat bush. It was a most deafening growl that sounded as terrible as a buzz-saw and as alive as an unfed zoo animal. Graham shuddered. He wondered what sort of macabre being could possibly make such a horrendous noise. Then a voice rang out.

Romance, adventure, strange peoples, fearsome beasts all the excitement and scurry of the lives of the twentieth century ancients that have been denied us in these dull days of peace and prosaic prosperity all, all lay beyond thirty, the invisible barrier between the stupid, commercial present and the carefree, barbarous past.

Mary Reynolds had also scored in the pathetic playlet, "The Freshman on the Top Floor," depicting a lonely little girl whose poverty and diffidence kept her out of the carefree college life that went on in the house where she lived. Cecil Ferris essayed the role of the freshman. The last number on the programme was Jean Brent's solo.

The conviction that she should meet him before long was as strong as if she were ever hopeful sixteen....That was the real secret of her elation. She felt very young and entirely carefree. She reflected that if she had met Gathbroke, or whoever he might be, during the last three years of the war she would have felt neither joy nor elation, however interested she might have been.

The women gathered to "assist" the hostesses who kept "Open House"; and the carefree men, dandified and perfumed, went about in sleighs, or in carriages and ponderous "hacks," going from Open House to Open House, leaving fantastic cards in fancy baskets as they entered each doorway, and emerging a little later, more carefree than ever, if the punch had been to their liking.

"Well, then, we can get on with this mystery." So Ma Pettengill said we could; and we did indeed. This here chink seems to of been a carefree child up to the time the civilized world went crazy with a version for him. He was a good cook and had a good job at a swell country club down the peninsula from San Francisco.

The Cardew name was whispered through the shops, and great piles of exotic things were brought in for Grace's critical eye. Lily's own attitude was joyously carefree.